- dodo_13
- OP
- 4,544 mesaje
- din 11 Apr 2005
- Astra 2008 Z19DTH
- Iasi
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- Masina: Astra 2008 Z19DTH
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- Cont inregistrat: 11 Apr 2005
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Castigator a iesit Astra, ca urmare a consumului mai mic. In rest, a cam ost egalitate.
Pentru cine nu stie, AutoBild.de sunt cam indragostiti de VW.
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Ultima modificare făcută de dodo_13 la Mie 11 Nov, 2009 9:57 am, modificat de 2 ori în total
- cont-sters-27243
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- din 21 Dec 2008
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Crown in the compact class is from 5 December 2009 in the sixth round. Then start the new Astra. In IMAGE, the two were already competed against each other. Cool, clean lines in the Golf 1.4 TSI (122 hp, from 21,655 euros) to playful extravagance in the Astra 1.4 Turbo (140 hp, from 19,075 euros). Pure matter of taste. Point for both - 1:1. The Astra, the eye moves through a V-shaped center console, in the Gulf, I have everything immediately in view. I bring forward my 1.93 meters in both equally good at, I'm sitting back deeper in the Astra, a bit more headroom have. Again a draw. 2:2. Both have 1.4-liter turbo gasoline engine, only raise their voices on the highway. The 18-more hp in the Astra I feel subjectively driving difficult. But at the pump: Opel consumed nearly half a liter less. Disappointing for both: no start-stop automatic, no gear shift indicator. Nonetheless point for Opel: 3-2.
This is the brand new pages of autobild.de
The Astra prima stays on course, steering input is needed to quickly and accurately. That the Golf offers more comfort, because he is more relaxed on bumpy tracks. Draw - 4:3. The Astra is cheaper than 2500 euro, the lower insurance ratings. But the Gulf is much better equipped (eg, air-conditioning as standard) and is expected to have lower depreciation. Draw. 5:4. PICTURE Verdict: The Astra wins because of lower consumption. Builds a pity that the Opel Astra only in England and Poland, but not in Germany.
Opel Astra 1.4 Turbo Golf 1.4 TSI
Engine 4-cylinder gasoline engine 4-cyl petrol engine
Power 140 hp 122 hp
0-100 km / h 9.7 seconds 9.5 seconds
Top speed 205 km / h 200 km / h
Consumption to 5.9 liters 6.2 liters of Super
CO2 emissions 139 g / km 144 g / km
Price 19,075 Euro 21,655 Euro
- dodo_13
- OP
- 4,544 mesaje
- din 11 Apr 2005
- Astra 2008 Z19DTH
- Iasi
- Mesaje scrise: 4,544
- Locatie: Iasi
- Masina: Astra 2008 Z19DTH
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 11 Apr 2005
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Am sa incerc sa fac un mic rezumat la articolul respectiv. Mi-am permis si cateva comentarii personale cu italic.
1. Exterior
Golf are linii clasice si curate. Astra e extravagant si tineresc. Deci e o chestie de gust in a alege una din cele doua.
2. Interior
Golf are bord clasic cu toate butoanele la vedere in fata. Astra are bord in forma de V pe care trebuie sa-ti plimbi ochii ca sa gasesti butonul. Spatiul in fata e egal, in spate Astra ofera mai mult loc la picioare si cap.
3. Motor
Amandoua motoarele sunt silentioase la viteze mici, doar pe autostrada isi fac simtita prezenta. Cei 18CP in plus ai Astrei par mai dificil de folosit. La pompa, Astra a aratat un consum cu aproape jumatate de litru mai mic. Nici una dintre masini nu vine cu gizmo-uri la zi gen "start-stop" sau "indicator de schimbare a vitezei".
4. Confort
In ceea ce priveste directia, Astra sta in aceeasi linie cu Golful. Golful ofera mai mult confort, e mai relaxat pe denivelari.
5. Cost
Astra e mai ieftina. In Germania, unde asigurarea depinde de CO2, Astra costa mai putin la asigurare. In schimb, Golful vine cu mai multe dotari in standard. Dupa cum am spus si mai sus, nu prea sunt de acord, aerul conditionat e in standard la Astra. De asemenea, e de asteptat ca Golf-ul sa piarda mai putin la revanzare.
In final, se exprima o parere de rau ca nu se fabrica si in Germania, ceea ce ar influenta calitatea. Din nou, nu sunt neaparat de acord ca "made in Germany" e chiar o garantie a calitatii, fapt demonstrat de japonezi chiar la nemti acasa.
- tonytm
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- din 10 Oct 2007
- Signum 2005 Z19DTH 190CP
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- deleted-5946
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- din 13 Mai 2007
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- Locatie: Vaslui
- Masina: Astra 2002 y17dt
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- Cont inregistrat: 13 Apr 2009
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- pirvu_daniel
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- din 22 Feb 2008
- Dolj
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- Y-GreK
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- din 11 Jul 2007
- Insignia 2019 B15LFV
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- Stefan_BC
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- din 19 Oct 2009
- Zafira 2008 Z19DT
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- Cont inregistrat: 19 Oct 2009
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sa stii cai ai perfecta dreptate si eu unu prefel tot astra in locul golfului cred ca si aici era binevenit un chestionar nu?
- dodo_13
- OP
- 4,544 mesaje
- din 11 Apr 2005
- Astra 2008 Z19DTH
- Iasi
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- Masina: Astra 2008 Z19DTH
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- ovidiu.SB
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- dodo_13
- OP
- 4,544 mesaje
- din 11 Apr 2005
- Astra 2008 Z19DTH
- Iasi
- Mesaje scrise: 4,544
- Locatie: Iasi
- Masina: Astra 2008 Z19DTH
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 11 Apr 2005
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- Locatie: Cluj
- Masina: Vectra 2008 Z30DT
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- Cont inregistrat: 08 Nov 2009
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- din 10 Jun 2010
- Astra 2010 A14NET
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- din 14 Nov 2010
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