- birlec
- OP
- 109 mesaje
- din 15 Nov 2010
- Astra 2010 A16XER
- Bihor
- Mesaje scrise: 109
- Locatie: Bihor
- Masina: Astra 2010 A16XER
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 15 Nov 2010
- Mesaj Privat
La diagnoza apare ca ar fi o cadere de curentul nu ca ar fi ceva senzor defect. Eroarea apare in mers la turatii de 1500, tremura motorul ca si cum ar da sa se opreasca si in unele cazuri moare si turometrul si nu isi mai revine numai daca opresc motorul si il pornesc iar. Poate sa fie un contact imperfect sau o conexiune oxidata? De doua ori s-a oprit si motorul la pornirea de pe loc, e ciudat avand in vedere ca e cutie automata.
Sa fie din cauza benzinei sau ca nu are filtru de benzina si prinde apa sau mizerie din benzina? Primele erori coincid cu alimentarea cu benzina de 95 de la petrom dupa cateva luni am revenit la cea de 99 dupa care s-au mai rarit erorile dar nu au disparut. Poate e doar o coincidenta. Poate fi si din cauza ca fac cam 3-4 drumuri pe luna de vreo 100 km/drum?
Ce parere aveti?
- Aantonio
- ***
- 521 mesaje
- din 07 Mai 2012
- Astra A14NET
- Bucuresti
- Mesaje scrise: 521
- Locatie: Bucuresti
- Masina: Astra A14NET
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 07 Mai 2012
- Mesaj Privat
- birlec
- OP
- 109 mesaje
- din 15 Nov 2010
- Astra 2010 A16XER
- Bihor
- Mesaje scrise: 109
- Locatie: Bihor
- Masina: Astra 2010 A16XER
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 15 Nov 2010
- Mesaj Privat
- lucio85
- ******
- 4,964 mesaje
- din 14 Feb 2010
- Astra 2010 a17dtr
- Gorj
- Mesaje scrise: 4,964
- Locatie: Gorj
- Masina: Astra 2010 a17dtr
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 14 Feb 2010
- Mesaj Privat
vad ca e o buba de fabricatie si nu are legatura cu motorizarea sau transmisia ia vezi se incadreaza VIN-ul tau in seriile astea

si uite aici ce zice
Technical Service Bulletin 2718
Subject: ABS/ESP Telltale Illuminates - Several Trouble Codes are set
Option Chassis Continuously Variable Real Time Damping (RPO F45 & GNA).
Complaint ABS/ESP telltale illuminates.
Cause Continuously variable real time damping setting doesn’t work. 1.) Broken cable inside the chassis continuously variable real time damping wiring harness 2.) Moisture in the wiring harness plug at the suspension strut
Production As of the following VINs an improved wiring harness routing has been implemented: Insignia: W0LGT8EE0B1087208 (10-Dec-2010) Astra J: Gliwice: W0LPE6EN3BG065859 (11-Jan-2011) Ellesmere Port: W0LPC6ET4B8051130 (19-Jan-2011) St. Petersburg: XUFPE6EJ7B3006861 (14-Feb-2011)
Claims will only be accepted for vehicles built before the breakpoints
listed under "Production"!
In case of customer complaint first check the continuously variable
real time damping wiring harness for broken cables.
If no broken cable can be found check the wiring harness plug contacts
of the CDC sensor, the CDC valve and the ABS sensor at the suspension
struts for corrosion and replace if required.
Pay attention to the NEW routing of the continuously variable real
time damping wiring harness!
The following DTC may be set:
Code: DTC C0035, DTC C0040, DTC C0575, DTC C0580, DTC C0670, DTC C0675
Working Procedure:
1. Check continuously variable real time damping wiring harness for
broken cable (Picture I, arrow)
No external cracks will be visible.
- Measure wiring harness resistance while moving the harness back
and forward in shown area (Picture I, arrow)
If a cable is broken inside the continuously variable real time
damping wiring harnesses replace the wiring harness by the NEW
improved version on both sides.

2. Replace continuously variable real time damping wiring harness
(Picture II, 1)
If the replacement of the continuously variable real time damping
wiring harness is required, pay attention to the NEW routing, as
shown in picture II!

3. Check continuously variable real time damping wiring harness plug
for corrosion (Picture I)
- Continuously variable real time damping wiring harness plug (1)
- Wiring harness plug CDC valve (2)
- Wiring harness plug CDC sensor (3)
- Wiring harness plug ABS sensor (4)
Replace corroded component on both sides.
Spare-Parts: Part-No.: Catalogue-No.:
Harness, Assy., Suspension Levelling 13356764 12 77 529
Harness, Assy., Suspension Levelling 13356790 12 77 530
Labour Times: TC: Hours:
U3 271 80 CDC Wiring Harness 90 SA
The costs for this repair will be covered during warranty and policy.
For policy please refer to the Policy Guideline (WebPG/Kuugel).
The regular Warranty Procedure will apply.
FunctionalGroup E - Front wheel suspension/Wheels/Tyres
Complaint Group 04 - Electrical failures,06 - Failure Code Setting by Control Unit
Trouble Code C0035,C0040,C0575,C0580,C0670,C0675
- birlec
- OP
- 109 mesaje
- din 15 Nov 2010
- Astra 2010 A16XER
- Bihor
- Mesaje scrise: 109
- Locatie: Bihor
- Masina: Astra 2010 A16XER
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 15 Nov 2010
- Mesaj Privat
- Mesaje scrise: 69
- Locatie: Prahova
- Masina: Astra 2010 Z14NET
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 18 Sep 2010
- Mesaj Privat
- lucio85
- ******
- 4,964 mesaje
- din 14 Feb 2010
- Astra 2010 a17dtr
- Gorj
- Mesaje scrise: 4,964
- Locatie: Gorj
- Masina: Astra 2010 a17dtr
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 14 Feb 2010
- Mesaj Privat
- Mesaje scrise: 69
- Locatie: Prahova
- Masina: Astra 2010 Z14NET
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 18 Sep 2010
- Mesaj Privat
- lucio85
- ******
- 4,964 mesaje
- din 14 Feb 2010
- Astra 2010 a17dtr
- Gorj
- Mesaje scrise: 4,964
- Locatie: Gorj
- Masina: Astra 2010 a17dtr
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 14 Feb 2010
- Mesaj Privat
- Aantonio
- ***
- 521 mesaje
- din 07 Mai 2012
- Astra A14NET
- Bucuresti
- Mesaje scrise: 521
- Locatie: Bucuresti
- Masina: Astra A14NET
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 07 Mai 2012
- Mesaj Privat
- birlec
- OP
- 109 mesaje
- din 15 Nov 2010
- Astra 2010 A16XER
- Bihor
- Mesaje scrise: 109
- Locatie: Bihor
- Masina: Astra 2010 A16XER
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 15 Nov 2010
- Mesaj Privat
- birlec
- OP
- 109 mesaje
- din 15 Nov 2010
- Astra 2010 A16XER
- Bihor
- Mesaje scrise: 109
- Locatie: Bihor
- Masina: Astra 2010 A16XER
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 15 Nov 2010
- Mesaj Privat