- buldozer2
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Pun mai jos linkul unde am am gasit aceasta informatie (primul post)!
- deleted-46863
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- din 21 Mar 2010
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catalinpav66- Suspendat
- 759 mesaje
- din 29 Oct 2008
- Vectra 2006 z30dt
- Bucuresti
catalinpav66- Mesaje scrise: 759
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- Cont inregistrat: 29 Oct 2008
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Standard fluid
Transmission fluid, Catalogue No./Part No. (container size)
19 40 768 / 09 120 541 (1 litre)
19 40 769 / 09 120 542 (55 litres)
19 40 710 / 09 194 349 (60 litres)
Filling quantities
Manual transmission with differential
F 17 – 1.6 litres
F23 – 1.55 litres
M32 - 2.4 litre
F35 – 1.9 litres
F 40 – 2.2 litres
Note: As the transmission is factory-filled by weight, the oil level - except in the F40 and M32 transmissions - is always below the control opening. If no leaks are evident, there is no need to correct the level during service.
- cyberbob
- ****
- 1,287 mesaje
- din 06 Nov 2010
- Vectra 2005 Z19DTH
- Bucuresti
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Si uleiul din cutia manuala e un consumabil si trebuie schimbat. Acolo in linkul postat de buldozer2, spune ca GM aproba reducerea cantitatii de ulei de la 3.2l la 2.4l, iar aceasta operatiune are ca rezultat o schimbare mai lina a treptelor, dar nu si ca ar fi daunator pentru cutie sa pui tot 3.2l.
@buldozer2 Chiar sunt curios, sa vezi ce cantitate scoti, si daca pui 2.4l sa ne spui si noua diferentele.
Eu in F40 a mea, cand am facut schimbul, m-am uitat intr-o versiune mai veche autodata si am pus 3.2l. Am folosit motul motylgear 75W90, singura diferenta care am simtit-o e ca intra mult mai usor in a 1 a, cand e uleiul rece. Am schimbat uleiul pentru ca nu stiam daca mai fusese schimbat.
Adi G.
catalinpav66- Suspendat
- 759 mesaje
- din 29 Oct 2008
- Vectra 2006 z30dt
- Bucuresti
catalinpav66- Mesaje scrise: 759
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- Masina: Vectra 2006 z30dt
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 29 Oct 2008
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- deleted-46863
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- 437 mesaje
- din 21 Mar 2010
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- cyberbob
- ****
- 1,287 mesaje
- din 06 Nov 2010
- Vectra 2005 Z19DTH
- Bucuresti
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- Masina: Vectra 2005 Z19DTH
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- Cont inregistrat: 06 Nov 2010
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@catalin, ai dreptate, in autodata 3.38 scrie 2.2l. Dar cand am schimbat uleiul, acum 2 ani, pe piata era autodata 3.24, in care scria 3.2l pentru cutia F40. In schimb, nu sunt de acord cu neschimbarea uleiului in cutie, adica pe bidoane scrie termen de valabilitate, deci e clar ca dupa o anumita perioada, proprietatile uleiului incep sa scada.
@daniel, la cutia F40, daca imi amintesc bine, busonul de golire e undeva in partea de jos, si curge tot uleiul cand se desface acesta.
Oricum ar fi, nu cred ca dauneaza cu ceva schimbarea uleiului din cutie la un anumit interval de timp.
Adi G.
- deleted-46863
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- 437 mesaje
- din 21 Mar 2010
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- buldozer2
- OP
- 687 mesaje
- din 01 Feb 2011
- Astra 2014 A14NET
- Buzau
- Mesaje scrise: 687
- Locatie: Buzau
- Masina: Astra 2014 A14NET
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 01 Feb 2011
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- deleted-46863
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- 437 mesaje
- din 21 Mar 2010
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Transmission Fluid Level, Check and Correct (F 40)
Note: The transmission fluid level is not checked at the fluid checking bolt, if fitted. To check the transmission fluid level, the entire quantity of transmission fluid must be drained into a clean container.
The self-tapping oil drain bolt (without seal ring) installed at the manufacturing plant must be replaced by a new oil drain bolt (with seal ring).
1. Remove lower engine compartment cover (diesel engines only)
2. Drain off transmission fluid
Note: Drain transmission fluid into a clean container. Approx. 2.2 litres of transmission fluid should flow out.
Unscrew drain bolt for transmission fluid (arrow)
Wait until the transmission has drained
Tighten transmission fluid drain bolt 50 Nm
3. Top up with transmission fluid
Remove battery case (except Z 20 NET)
Unscrew top-up bolt for transmission fluid (arrow)
Top up quantity of fluid in measuring container to 2.2 litres
Top up with transmission fluid
4. Tighten transmission fluid top-up bolt (arrow) 50 Nm
5. Install battery case (except Z 20 NET)
6. Connect battery
7. Program volatile memory
8. Install lower engine compartment cover (diesel engines only)
- cyberbob
- ****
- 1,287 mesaje
- din 06 Nov 2010
- Vectra 2005 Z19DTH
- Bucuresti
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- Locatie: Bucuresti
- Masina: Vectra 2005 Z19DTH
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 06 Nov 2010
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catalinpav66- Suspendat
- 759 mesaje
- din 29 Oct 2008
- Vectra 2006 z30dt
- Bucuresti
catalinpav66- Mesaje scrise: 759
- Locatie: Bucuresti
- Masina: Vectra 2006 z30dt
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 29 Oct 2008
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- cyberbob
- ****
- 1,287 mesaje
- din 06 Nov 2010
- Vectra 2005 Z19DTH
- Bucuresti
- Mesaje scrise: 1,287
- Locatie: Bucuresti
- Masina: Vectra 2005 Z19DTH
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 06 Nov 2010
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@catalin, inseamna ca ori am eu o versiune foarte veche de TIS, ori am citit in alta parte treaba cu 3.2l. Totusi e ciudat ca in multe surse, inclusiv autodata versiuni mai vechi, pentru F40 se da 3.2l. Acum de unde o fi contradictia asta, naiba stie... Totusi tind sa cred ca primele F40 au plecat cu 3.2l in ele, si cum scria mai sus, ulterior GM au venit cu un update pentru folosirea a 2.2l. Eu acum in a mea am 3.2l, acum la revizie, o sa scot 1litru sa vad cum se comporta masina 😊
Adi G.
- deleted-46863
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- 437 mesaje
- din 21 Mar 2010
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- cyberbob
- ****
- 1,287 mesaje
- din 06 Nov 2010
- Vectra 2005 Z19DTH
- Bucuresti
- Mesaje scrise: 1,287
- Locatie: Bucuresti
- Masina: Vectra 2005 Z19DTH
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 06 Nov 2010
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@daniel, la F40, busonul de golire e undeva in partea de jos a cutiei. Cantitatea din cutia mea acum e 101% 3.2L, pentru ca am schimbat uleiul in ea acum 30.000km. Spre norocul meu nu-mi pierde ulei cutia, ca am mai schimbat una alta pe la masina si n-am vazut nicio pata in zona cutiei. Deci, la revizia care urmeaza s-o fac, o sa scot 1l de ulei din cutie, sa raman cu 2.2 cum zice mai nou GM, si apoi sa vad diferentele.
Adi G.
- deleted-46863
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- 437 mesaje
- din 21 Mar 2010
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- Cont inregistrat: 21 Mar 2010
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Note: A residue of approx. 0.2 litres remains in the gearbox.
M20 transmission and M32 transmission 2.2 litres transmission fluid
Note: If a new gearbox is installed during servicing, this must be filled with 1.8 litres of transmission fluid because the new gearboxes are already filled with 0.68 litres of transmission fluid in the works.
7. Tighten fluid filling bolt 30 Nm
Use new bolt
Standard fluid
Transmission fluid, Catalogue No./Part No. (container size)
19 40 768 / 09 120 541 (1 litre)
19 40 769 / 09 120 542 (55 litres)
19 40 710 / 09 194 349 (60 litres)
Filling quantities
Manual transmission with differential
F 17 – 1.6 litres
F23 – 1.55 litres
M32 - 2.4 litre
F35 – 1.9 litres
F 40 – 2.2 litres
Note: As the transmission is factory-filled by weight, the oil level - except in the F40 and M32 transmissions - is always below the control opening. If no leaks are evident, there is no need to correct the level during service.
- cyberbob
- ****
- 1,287 mesaje
- din 06 Nov 2010
- Vectra 2005 Z19DTH
- Bucuresti
- Mesaje scrise: 1,287
- Locatie: Bucuresti
- Masina: Vectra 2005 Z19DTH
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 06 Nov 2010
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@daniel, da, masina din semnatura o am, cutie F40. Deci foarte tare ce scrie in TIS, eu m-am luat dupa autodata 3.24 in care scrie ca in F40 se pun 3.2L, daca citeam si in TIS, alta era situatia. Nu am masurat cat ulei am scos din ea, am lasat sa se scurga pana s-a oprit, dupa care am pus 3.2L. Singura diferenta care am observat-o dupa schimb, a fost ca treptele se schimba mai lin chiar si cu uleiul foarte rece (revizia am facut-o iarna).
Adi G.
- deleted-46863
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- 437 mesaje
- din 21 Mar 2010
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- Cont inregistrat: 21 Mar 2010
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- cyberbob
- ****
- 1,287 mesaje
- din 06 Nov 2010
- Vectra 2005 Z19DTH
- Bucuresti
- Mesaje scrise: 1,287
- Locatie: Bucuresti
- Masina: Vectra 2005 Z19DTH
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 06 Nov 2010
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- mephisto
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- 252 mesaje
- din 07 Dec 2010
- Signum 2006 Z19DTH
- Bucuresti
- Mesaje scrise: 252
- Locatie: Bucuresti
- Masina: Signum 2006 Z19DTH
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 07 Dec 2010
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