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  • gobelu

  • Mesaje scrise: 975
  • Locatie: Bucuresti
  • Masina: Astra 2002 z16xe
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 01 Jan 2009

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Au inceput baietii sa lucreze si pe facebook se pare.

Azi am primit un mesaj privat cu urmatorul continut:

"Draga Gab,
ªtiu cã v-ar fi surprins sã citesc de la cineva relativ necunoscut pentru tine. Numele meu este John Mensah, un manager de sucursala a unei banci aici, în Ghana ºi un bancher personal de o întârziere creºtine
******, un cetãþean din þara dumneavoastrã care au avut un depozit fix cu ramura mea, în 2008, pentru 36 luni în valoare de 2,750,000 dolari.
Am fost împins sã vã contacteze, deoarece ai acelasi nume de familie "******", dar am de gând sã pãstreze anumite lucruri clasificate pânã când aud de la tine. Lucru trist este, Christian a fost printre victime aflate în moarte în Sumatra, Indonezia, septembrie 2009 cutremurului care a lãsat peste 1.200 de persoane au murit dupã vizita sa în þarã. În prezent, conducerea bãncii nu ºtie nimic despre moartea sa. Stiu despre asta pentru cã el a fost prietenul meu ºi eu sunt pe contul sãu de ofiþer.
Preocuparea mea este, Christian nu ar menþiona nicio rudã apropiatã / Moºtenitorul când contul a fost deschis ºi el nu era nici cãsãtorit ºi nici nu a avut copii. Sãptãmâna trecutã, am primit instrucþiuni de la sediul central meu la consiliere
Creºtin sã reînnoiascã contractul sau sã aplice pentru ca fondurile sã-l serveascã scopului. Dar dacã am sã ºtiu despre gestionarea moartea lui vor fura banii pentru uzul lor personal.
Deci, eu caut co-operaþie sã vã prezentãm ca o rudã / moºtenitor al contul din moment ce au acelaºi nume ºi ultima banca va elibera banii pentru tine. Între timp, i se va îngreuna
unele detalii pânã când aud de la tine, pentru cã, eu sunt foarte inconfortabil trimiterea acestui mesaj pentru a vã fãrã a ºti cu adevãrat dacã ar interpreteazã greºit importanþa ºi decide sã facã public. În acest sens, nu voi îngreuna sã spun cã esenþa acestui mesaj este strict pentru beneficii reciproce.
Nu existã nici un risc implicat. Acest lucru nu este ilegal. Tranzacþia va merge printr-un aranjament legitim care vã protejeazã de orice încãlcare a legii. Dacã sunteþi de acord cu aceastã propunere, am de gând sã vã dau 40% din totalul banilor ca pondere dumneavoastrã ºi voi veni pe la þara dumneavoastrã pentru a mea. Vã rugãm sã trateze aceastã foarte CONFIDENTIAL. Mai jos este persoana mea de contact e-mail, nu ezitaþi sã mi e-mail ºi i se va da o defalcare detaliatã a acestei transaction.I ar trebui sã fie recunoscãtor pentru a primi un rãspuns umil de la tine sã-mi personal.
Cele mai bune complimente,
Mensah "

Dupa cate se vede traducerea e facuta cu prietenul Google si nu e de cea mai buna calitate.
Totusi sa pui botul la asa ceva trebuie sa fi de-a dreptul pelican.

Nu am sa ma obosesc sa-i trimit un raspuns desi sunt curios care ar fi urmatoarea cerinta din partea lui.Cel mai probabil datele personale si contul de la banca(sanchi,ca sa-mi trimita banii 😉)
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  • Mesaje scrise: 1,472
  • Locatie: Neamt
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  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 15 Jul 2009

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Genul de mail care merita un reply de genul :
And who is sucking dick?
Ce patetic...sunt curios cati ornitorinci pun botul la vrajeala de asta.
  • moshu1

  • Mesaje scrise: 979
  • Locatie: Iasi
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  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 21 Jun 2009

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Sunt multiiiiii, sunt convins.....
  • florinianc

  • Mesaje scrise: 1,591
  • Locatie: Cluj
  • Masina: Astra 2006 Z16xep
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 04 Jun 2010

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Ceva chestie de genul am primit eu pe yahoomail. Doar ca nu era tradusa. Era in engleza. Nu cred ca va da vreun raspuns.. se asteapta doar sa isi vada banii in cont. Si o sa le mearga, pentru ca fraierii nu mor. Ei doar se schimba 😂
  • ShortyME

  • Mesaje scrise: 121
  • Locatie: Bucuresti
  • Masina: Astra 2001 Z22SE
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 17 Nov 2008

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Asta e NIGERIAN SCAM...asa se cheama daca aveti curiozitatea sa cautati pe Google o sa vedeti subiecte intregi despre asa ceva. Se pare ca inca tine 😂
  • sabau18

  • Mesaje scrise: 352
  • Locatie: Satu Mare
  • Masina: Astra 2000
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 29 Aug 2009

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cv de genu doar ca pe email 1
Hi my dear,
My name is Miss Odemira,good looking young caring and loving girl. I am hoping that this my mail reaches you atmospheric condition of your good health. I am writting to you to have a good and loving relationship with you. I am expecting to read from your reply if i interest you so that we will know ourselves together and share photos as well.
Yours dearly,
Miss Odemira

My beloved friend, 2
How are you doing over there? With hope all is well with you. I hope that this mail will get you at your good condition of health. I really appreciate your reply and i do hope that we have a lovely and sincere relationship. I am 23 years,from city of Kigali,in Rwanda,172 cm height,and average body size of 56 kg. I am the only daughter of Late Major Alphonse Furuma,who was killed of been accused President Paul Kagame for his trimendous acts and killings,and his assassination of our former president; President Juvénal Habyarimana. I was brought to this country Dakar Senegal,in west Africa by the UN rescuing team,after the killing of my parents by the wicked rabels,and they kept me in Senegalese refuge camp, where i am serving as a refugee. I am writing to you now from our Reverend's computer, the reverend in charge of this camp.
My only happiness is that i have with me here some relevant documents,such as a deposit certificate of $7.8m Us Dollars by my late father and i am used as the next of kin to the deposited amount.
I am telling you all this with hope that you will not betray my trust to you to represent me as my foreign partner in making the claim of the deposited money from the bank. I want a trust worthy foreign personality that can help me to clear the fund from the bank, and transfer to your own account. I am willing to relocate to your country and continue my education,as i was in my second year in the university before the ugly situation took place. I will tell you more when i hear from you. Here are my photos for you,hope to hear from you soon.
Remain with the best and have a lovely day.
Yours sincerity
Miss Odemira Furuma

My dearest in heart, 3
I am more than happy reading from your lovely reply to the call of my tears. I am living a hardship and sorrowful life here in this refugee camp,i am facing difficulties day by day, even to eat is a very big problem to me,because there i no food in this camp, no medical attention, no good water to drink, it is really hard and distressful to me, but now that i have your support,i promise to respect and love you forever. The amount i want to transfer is $7,800,000.00. I am in a refugee camp now,and i want to leave the camp for a better life.
I want the money to be transferred to your account, so that you will send me some money to get my passport and visa to come over to you, and live with you and as well finish my education, while you invest and manage the remaining money on any business you want.
You are all i have in my life now, do your best to assist me out.You call me with our Reverend's phone number, Rev.Peter Louis ;(+221 702051724) ,he is the Reverend in charge of this refugee camp,whenever you call, he will send for me to come and speak with you.
I want to write a nomination letter to bank,to inform the bank that you are my rightful trustee,and my investor,whom they will transfer my inherited money in their bank to your own bank account.
I want you to send the following to me so that i can use them to write the nomination letter to bank.

My dear, 4
How are you today? hope you are fine.To answer your questions,
I found your email contact at dating site.
I want to come to your country.
why can't you trust me? what is the porblem?
ok,you have a girlfriend,good, i am not against that,all i want is my freedom to come to your conuntry,complete my education,and start a new life again.
I told you alot of things because i want you to assist me for the transfer,i want to be sincere and honest to you,that is the reason i told you every thing with an open mind and heart.
Yes,i am not in the same country with you,but i hope to be in the same country with you soon if you can carry out the transfer.
What makes you to think of this is a joke? I am serious with you,telling you everything concerning me and my inheritance,and you think i am joking. My dear,i am more than serious,very very serious.
The reason i found you is that God made it to be so.I prayed and fastered for this,asking God to provide me a good and sincere man,and God so kind,i found you,this is the reason i trusted in you,believing that you will be sincere and honest to me too for the transfer.
I am not asking you to give me your account,but you will send it direct to bank who will then transfer the money into it,you do not have to give your account to me but to the bank.
I do hope that i asnwered your question to your satisfaction.I hope to have your full support and as well your information.
Yours sincerely,
  • tomde

  • Mesaje scrise: 459
  • Locatie: Alta tara
  • Masina: Astra 2008 Z17DTJ
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 13 Apr 2010

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Tot Facebook-ul e teapa, cel putin asa consider eu.
  • dornit

  • Mesaje scrise: 256
  • Locatie: Alta tara
  • Masina: Zafira 2007 Z19DT
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 14 Feb 2008

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sa va dau si eu un exemplu...cautam un opel vivaro sa cumpar pe www.segundamano .es (sunt rezident in es) si gasesc urmatorul anunt:;st=a&c=39 ...pretz bun bre, intru in "vorbe" cu vanzatorul si imi toarna o poveste ca ar fi cetatean britanic ( femeie cica) si ca si-a vandut proprietatea de vacanta din spania ramanandu-i masina de care vrea sa scape... dupa ce imi insira toate caracteristicile si calitatile masinii imi spune ca aceasta se afla in anglia si ca pretul include transportul si livrarea acesteia la domiciliul meu (locuiesc in sevilla)...afland ca ar fi cetatean britanic am preferat sa ii scriu in engleza (pentru ca spaniola mea cam lasa de dorit) insa raspunsurile le primeam in spaniola in continuare ceea ce mi-a dat de gandit...i-am scris ca imi miroase a inselatorie si....surpriza...primesc raspuns in limba romana :

"da. ai dreptate.
era o escrocherie.
vad ca romanii sunt m-ai istetzi !

anuntul respectiv inca este valabil cu toate ca eu l-am raportat ca fiind fals....adresa de mail pe care am schimbat "opinii" nu mai exista... 😂 pentru comformitate inca pastrez corespondenta doresc "succesuri"...
  • pascaru_val

  • Mesaje scrise: 1,400
  • Locatie: Bucuresti
  • Masina: Astra 2006 Z17DTL
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 07 Jun 2005

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tomde a scris:Tot Facebook-ul e teapa, cel putin asa consider eu.
Parerea mea e ca e pentru persoane intre 7-14 ani. Nu inteleg de ce are asa succes acest site cinsd sunt o multime similare..
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