- marius_cret
- OP
- 56 mesaje
- din 13 Jan 2008
- Vectra 2001 z16xe
- Bucuresti
- Mesaje scrise: 56
- Locatie: Bucuresti
- Masina: Vectra 2001 z16xe
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 13 Jan 2008
- Mesaj Privat
Am o mica nedumerire. Poate ma ajutati voi. Am schimbat recent kitul de ambreaj si atunci cand am luat-o de la mecanic mi-a spus sa o incerc. Dupa cateva ture am tras frana de mana si am vrut sa plec cu demaraj dar spre surprinderea mea tragea dar nu scartaiau rotile.Am intrebat mecanicul si el mi-a zis ca se aseaza dupa 1,2000 km. Am facut 1500 km si tot asa cand plec dupa loc nu scartaie rotile sub nici o forma, desi am fugit cu 180 km/ h fara probleme. A mai patit cineva asa ceva. Ce parere aveti este o problema sau nu?
- *******
- 6,675 mesaje
- din 19 Jan 2007
- Vectra 2005 Z19DTH 200CP
- Dambovita
- Mesaje scrise: 6,675
- Locatie: Dambovita
- Masina: Vectra 2005 Z19DTH 200CP
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 19 Jan 2007
- Mesaj Privat
- marius_cret
- OP
- 56 mesaje
- din 13 Jan 2008
- Vectra 2001 z16xe
- Bucuresti
- Mesaje scrise: 56
- Locatie: Bucuresti
- Masina: Vectra 2001 z16xe
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 13 Jan 2008
- Mesaj Privat
- murzick
- ****
- 1,007 mesaje
- din 10 Dec 2006
- Vectra 2001 Z18XE
- Bucuresti
- Mesaje scrise: 1,007
- Locatie: Bucuresti
- Masina: Vectra 2001 Z18XE
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 10 Dec 2006
- Mesaj Privat
marius_cret, ai buton TC in bord?
Electronic Traction Control
In modern vehicles, traction-control systems utilize the same wheel-speed sensors employed by the antilock braking system. These sensors measure differences in rotational speed to determine if the wheels that are receiving power have lost traction. When the traction-control system determines that one wheel is spinning more quickly than the others, it automatically "pumps" the brake to that wheel to reduce its speed and lessen wheel slip. In most cases, individual wheel braking is enough to control wheel slip. However, some traction-control systems also reduce engine power to the slipping wheels. On a few of these vehicles, drivers may sense pulsations of the gas pedal when the system is reducing engine power much like a brake pedal pulsates when the antilock braking system is working.
Electronic Traction Control
In modern vehicles, traction-control systems utilize the same wheel-speed sensors employed by the antilock braking system. These sensors measure differences in rotational speed to determine if the wheels that are receiving power have lost traction. When the traction-control system determines that one wheel is spinning more quickly than the others, it automatically "pumps" the brake to that wheel to reduce its speed and lessen wheel slip. In most cases, individual wheel braking is enough to control wheel slip. However, some traction-control systems also reduce engine power to the slipping wheels. On a few of these vehicles, drivers may sense pulsations of the gas pedal when the system is reducing engine power much like a brake pedal pulsates when the antilock braking system is working.
- marius_cret
- OP
- 56 mesaje
- din 13 Jan 2008
- Vectra 2001 z16xe
- Bucuresti
- Mesaje scrise: 56
- Locatie: Bucuresti
- Masina: Vectra 2001 z16xe
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 13 Jan 2008
- Mesaj Privat
M-am intors din drum sa scriu ca mi-am dat seama ca am scris o prostie.TC nui tot una cu ESP,desi am avut pe mana atatea masini niciodata nu ma pasionat functiile lor ca nu ma gandeam vreodata sa am si eu .
Daca tot v-am deranjat cu problema mea spunetimi si mie va rog ce inseamna in bord un martor ca un soare cu un S inauntrul lui(ce functie are,ce detecteaza) si mai am un semn care este greu de descris ca doua mingi ovale cu codite legate intre ele.
Daca tot v-am deranjat cu problema mea spunetimi si mie va rog ce inseamna in bord un martor ca un soare cu un S inauntrul lui(ce functie are,ce detecteaza) si mai am un semn care este greu de descris ca doua mingi ovale cu codite legate intre ele.
- murzick
- ****
- 1,007 mesaje
- din 10 Dec 2006
- Vectra 2001 Z18XE
- Bucuresti
- Mesaje scrise: 1,007
- Locatie: Bucuresti
- Masina: Vectra 2001 Z18XE
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 10 Dec 2006
- Mesaj Privat
- marius_cret
- OP
- 56 mesaje
- din 13 Jan 2008
- Vectra 2001 z16xe
- Bucuresti
- Mesaje scrise: 56
- Locatie: Bucuresti
- Masina: Vectra 2001 z16xe
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 13 Jan 2008
- Mesaj Privat