- Slick
- OP
- 1,319 mesaje
- din 29 Apr 2004
- Astra 2004 Z20LET
- Prahova
- Mesaje scrise: 1,319
- Locatie: Prahova
- Masina: Astra 2004 Z20LET
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 29 Apr 2004
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Argumente nedumerire:
-Cand motorul este cald uleiul este mai fluid si curge mai mult
-Dupa o perioada mai lunga in care motorul se raceste uleiul are timp sa se scurga mai mult in baia de ulei...
Tatal meu spune ca e mai bine cand e cald eu zic ca e mai bine cand e rece... Voi ce ziceti ? Va rog argumente ..
- chiciuc
- ****
- 1,372 mesaje
- din 29 Apr 2004
- Vectra 1997 X20DTL
- Craiova
- Mesaje scrise: 1,372
- Locatie: Craiova
- Masina: Vectra 1997 X20DTL
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 29 Apr 2004
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- Sezran
- ****
- 1,183 mesaje
- din 01 Jun 2004
- Bucuresti
- Mesaje scrise: 1,183
- Locatie: Bucuresti
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- Cont inregistrat: 01 Jun 2004
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- 4EST
- ***
- 686 mesaje
- din 30 Apr 2004
- Brasov
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- rezare
- **
- 121 mesaje
- din 08 Jul 2004
- Bucuresti
- Mesaje scrise: 121
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- sorin666
- *****
- 3,888 mesaje
- din 12 Mai 2004
- outside Manell's Land
- Mesaje scrise: 3,888
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- Cont inregistrat: 12 Mai 2004
- Mesaj Privat
- Thanatos
- ****
- 1,108 mesaje
- din 24 Aug 2004
- Vectra 2000 X18XE1
- constanta - dk
- Mesaje scrise: 1,108
- Locatie: constanta - dk
- Masina: Vectra 2000 X18XE1
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 24 Aug 2004
- Mesaj Privat
ideal ar si sa schimbi la rece, dar prea mare imprtanta nu are.
la un motor uzat nu e deloc bine sa il speli prin interior.
"Multigrade oils work by having a polymer added to a light base oil which prevents the oil from thinning too much as it warms up. At low temperatures, the polymers are coiled up and allow the oil to flow as it's low number (W number) indicates. As the oil heats up, the polymers unwind into long chains which prevent the oil from thinning as much as it normally would. The result is that at 100°C, the oil has thinned only as much as it's higher rating. Think of it like this: a 10W30 oil is a 10-weight oil that will not thin more than a 30-weight oil when it gets hot."
- rezare
- **
- 121 mesaje
- din 08 Jul 2004
- Bucuresti
- Mesaje scrise: 121
- Locatie: Bucuresti
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- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 08 Jul 2004
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Bine, de urmatoarele citate "added to a light base oil which prevents the oil from thinning too much" si, mai ales, "10-weight oil that will not thin more than a 30-weight oil when it gets hot" nu mai spun
- Thanatos
- ****
- 1,108 mesaje
- din 24 Aug 2004
- Vectra 2000 X18XE1
- constanta - dk
- Mesaje scrise: 1,108
- Locatie: constanta - dk
- Masina: Vectra 2000 X18XE1
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 24 Aug 2004
- Mesaj Privat
Bine, de urmatoarele citate "added to a light base oil which prevents the oil from thinning too much" si, mai ales, "10-weight oil that will not thin more than a 30-weight oil when it gets hot" nu mai spun
tradus gresit, cum asa?! ....esti d'acord cu mine ca la CALD uleiul are viscositatea indicata de YY in specificatia SAE XXWYY si ca la RECE el are viscozitatea XX ?? deci in exemplul in care uleiul are 0W40 el are viscozitatea 0 la RECE si 40 la CALD , si in felul asta mai vascos ( vrei sa'ti explic si ce inseamna cifrele si cum se masoara, o fac cu placere)
ce ti se pare ca am tradus eu gresit?? nu am tradus, mi'am spus doar parerea si am argumentat'o cu citatul.
"Viscosity means the substance and clinging properties of the lubricant. When cold, oil can become like treacle so it is important that any lube is kept as thin as possible. It's cold performance is denoted by the letter 'W', meaning 'winter'. At the other end of the scale, a scorching hot oil can be as thin as water and about as useful too. So it needs to be as thick as possible when warm. Thin when cold but thick when warm? That's where MultiGrade oil comes in. For ages, good old 20W/50 was the oil to have. But as engines progressed and tolerances decreased, a lighter, thinner oil was required, especially when cold. Thus 15W/50, 15W/40 and even 15W/30 oils are now commonplace. Synthetics can go down as far as 5W which seemed unbeatable until Castrol came up with SLX - a 0W30 formulation! 'Free flowing' just doesn't describe it! It's predominantly a workshop oil retailing at around £10 ($15) a litre, but recommended for use in places like Canada in the winter."
- rezare
- **
- 121 mesaje
- din 08 Jul 2004
- Bucuresti
- Mesaje scrise: 121
- Locatie: Bucuresti
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- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 08 Jul 2004
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Iar ce spuneam vizavis de traducere: "ulei multigrad: polimeri adaugati unui ulei de baza care previne _subtierea excesiva_ la temperatura", "previn subtierea la fel de mult ca in mod uzual (la uleiurile minerale)", "la 100 de grade s-a subtiat _doar atat_ cat ratingul cel mare", "10w30 e un ulei care nu se va subtia _mai mult_ decat un 30 la cald". Asa cum se observa, nicaieri nu e mentionata vreo ingrosare, dar mentionat de 4 ori ca se subtiaza.
- Thanatos
- ****
- 1,108 mesaje
- din 24 Aug 2004
- Vectra 2000 X18XE1
- constanta - dk
- Mesaje scrise: 1,108
- Locatie: constanta - dk
- Masina: Vectra 2000 X18XE1
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 24 Aug 2004
- Mesaj Privat
cum asta?...daca are viscozitatea 0 la rece (-18 grade) si 40 la cald (100 grade). tu ce zici?...nu e mai mai vascos la cald??....40 reprezinta viscozitatea la cald, nu ca s'ar comporta ca un ulei de SAE40 la cald. fa un test, in incalseste un ulei multigrade si ai sa vezi.
"In 5W-30 oil, for example, the two numbers mean it is a "multiviscosity" or "multigrade" oil that is effective over a range of temperatures. The first number, 5, is an index that refers to how the oil flows at low temperatures. The second number, 30, refers to how the oil flows at high temperatures."
linkuri utile:
Ultima modificare făcută de Thanatos la Mar 12 Oct, 2004 5:18 pm
- Slick
- OP
- 1,319 mesaje
- din 29 Apr 2004
- Astra 2004 Z20LET
- Prahova
- Mesaje scrise: 1,319
- Locatie: Prahova
- Masina: Astra 2004 Z20LET
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 29 Apr 2004
- Mesaj Privat
- Thanatos
- ****
- 1,108 mesaje
- din 24 Aug 2004
- Vectra 2000 X18XE1
- constanta - dk
- Mesaje scrise: 1,108
- Locatie: constanta - dk
- Masina: Vectra 2000 X18XE1
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 24 Aug 2004
- Mesaj Privat
- rezare
- **
- 121 mesaje
- din 08 Jul 2004
- Bucuresti
- Mesaje scrise: 121
- Locatie: Bucuresti
- Masina:
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 08 Jul 2004
- Mesaj Privat
- Thanatos
- ****
- 1,108 mesaje
- din 24 Aug 2004
- Vectra 2000 X18XE1
- constanta - dk
- Mesaje scrise: 1,108
- Locatie: constanta - dk
- Masina: Vectra 2000 X18XE1
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 24 Aug 2004
- Mesaj Privat
comparatiile facute nu sunt edificatoare. testul se face la 100 grade; faptul ca ti se pare mai subtire decat iarna nu este concludent.
daca vrei sa faci un test serios, fa comparatia intre uleiul la -10C (scos din congelator) si acelasi ulei la 100C. pregateste un recipient prevazut cu un orificiu de 2-3 mm prin care el se poate strecura, si masoara timpul in care o face la cele 2 temperaturi. fa testul si cu un monograd.
- sorin666
- *****
- 3,888 mesaje
- din 12 Mai 2004
- outside Manell's Land
- Mesaje scrise: 3,888
- Locatie: outside Manell's Land
- Masina:
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 12 Mai 2004
- Mesaj Privat
stai asa.....asta e alta treaba....nu compara cu un ulei ars, care si'a pierdut din proprietati.
Lasa explicatiile de duba , un ulei (nou sau ars, de gatit sau de motor...) este INTOTDEAUNA mai fluid cald decat rece...
- Thanatos
- ****
- 1,108 mesaje
- din 24 Aug 2004
- Vectra 2000 X18XE1
- constanta - dk
- Mesaje scrise: 1,108
- Locatie: constanta - dk
- Masina: Vectra 2000 X18XE1
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 24 Aug 2004
- Mesaj Privat
mai sorine, asta suna ca un cliseu preluat de la "batranu' satului", esti sigur ca mai e valabil si astazi?
sunt convins ca multi inca mai cred treaba asta, dar pentru cei pe care ii intereseaza ce se'ntampla sub capota lor si vor sa se informeze, se gasesc pe net gramada de resurse utile.
- rezare
- **
- 121 mesaje
- din 08 Jul 2004
- Bucuresti
- Mesaje scrise: 121
- Locatie: Bucuresti
- Masina:
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 08 Jul 2004
- Mesaj Privat
Citat edificator (am spus-o empiric pe pagina cealalta):
Multiviscosity oils, such as “20W–50,” must satisfy both the low temperature cranking and pumping test for the grade indicated first, and the 100°C test for the second grade. Such an oil would also pass the tests for all the grades in between.
Deci, cum am spus, uleiul e vascos 20 la _temperatura mica_, si vascos _cat un 50 la temperatura 100C_, nu vascos _50 la 100C_. O mica mare diferenta. Nu se compara direct vascozitatile, pentru ca e diferenta de temperaturi intre ele. Intr-adevar, 50 e mai vascos ca un 20, _dar numai daca se testeaza la aceeasi temperatura_. Avand in vedere ca unul e testat la 10C si altul la 100C, se schimba treaba...
De asemenea, de pe alta pagina:
Viscosity Index is an empirical number indicating the rate of change in viscosity of an oil within a given temperature range. Higher numbers indicate a low change, lower numbers indicate a relatively large change. The higher the number the better.
Deci cifre mari inseamna "modificari mici de vascozitate". Si sunt de preferat. De ce? Daca s-ar ingrosa mai mult, ar fi mai bine. Doar daca... nu cumva modificare de vascozitate nu se face in minus, adica se subtiaza.
S-ar cam termina discutia daca ai aduce un link in care sa spuna clar, negru pe alb (sau ce culoare vrei tu ) "uleiul se ingroasa cu temperatura".
- chiciuc
- ****
- 1,372 mesaje
- din 29 Apr 2004
- Vectra 1997 X20DTL
- Craiova
- Mesaje scrise: 1,372
- Locatie: Craiova
- Masina: Vectra 1997 X20DTL
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 29 Apr 2004
- Mesaj Privat
Eu am pus Mobil S 10w40. Atunci l-am si spalat ca am schimbat uleiul (producatorul).
Ramane aceeasi poveste la carticica/tis spune 5,5 l. Intotdeauna am pus 5, si joja arata (cum arata noi stim ) la jumatate dintre min si max. De papa nu prea arata ...
- sorin666
- *****
- 3,888 mesaje
- din 12 Mai 2004
- outside Manell's Land
- Mesaje scrise: 3,888
- Locatie: outside Manell's Land
- Masina:
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 12 Mai 2004
- Mesaj Privat