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  • Mesaje scrise: 786
  • Locatie: Cluj
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  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 20 Sep 2006

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Nu cred sa se mai fi discutat despre asta pe-aici... Dar hai sa va povestesc ce se mai intampla pe

Inainte sa-mi iau astra-u imi cautam masina pe Gaseam din cand in cand niste "super-oferte".

Exemple: VW Passat 1.9 TDI 4Motion - 3860EUR, VW Golf 1.9TDI 4Motion - 2800EUR, Opel Astra G 2002 2.0TDI 58900km - 3500EUR. Hai sa fim seriosi... imposibil sa gasesti asa oferte, dar le-am scris gigiilor ca ma intereseaza, sa-mi trimita detalii, bla bla. A se nota ca nici unul dintre anunturi nu avea nr de telefon, sau avea un nr invalid, sau... nr de Romania.

Bun, astept de la primul raspuns. Imi raspunde asa:
My name is Braun Michael,
The car is still for sale.
Where are you located ? Please speak English !
If you are interested in my car please contact me.
Thank you

Imi raspunde in scurt timp al doilea:
My name is Eric Peter ,
The car is still for sale.
Where are you located ? Please speak English!
If you are interested in my car please contact me.
Thank you

Hmmm... fuck that... Acelasi pattern... 😶
OK, no problem. Le raspund ca "ma intereseaza" masinile. Primesc raspunsurile. Nu le postez pe ambele ca sunt lungi, dar sunt indentice:
I am located in London/United Kingdom and in a few words I want to explain some things: the car was owned by my brother that was student in Berlin/Germany and because of his health we were forced to bring him back in United Kingdom and two weeks ago he died.... He has lived in Berlin, where he had rented an appartment and the car is there in garage. I want to sell it fast and that's why I ask a low price, because the montly rent for this appartment is allmost 500 EUR and we cannot renounce at this appartment until we will sell the car....
Few weeks ago a person from Norway told me that he wants to buy my car. I said Ok, we will meet in Berlin and we will make the deal. I came in Berlin but no buyer, never responded to my emails or calls so here is what i am sugesting: with this service i am sure that you have the money and that you will come for sure in Berlin.
This service name is Western Union Money Trasfer. You must find the nearest Western Union agency and you will go there with your best friend or your wife. Your wife or your friend will be the sender and the receiver is you in Berlin/Germany.
I want to be 100 % sure that you will be in Berlin because once the money are sent you have to be in Berlin to get the money.
Right now i am located in England but after i will get the receipt from Western Union i will come back in Berlin to wait for you and to finish the deal. That's why i need to see the receipt. I don't want to buy the plane ticket to come and then to wait for you and maybe you will never come.
If i will see the receipt then i will be sure that you will come and i will go to buy the plane ticket for Berlin.
After the transfer is made you must scan the receipt from Western Union and then send it in to my e-mail address attached so i can check the transfer. If you agree then i will keep the car for you and after i will see the copy from Western Union then in max. 1 day i will come back in Berlin to wait you.
When you will come in Berlin we will go to a mechanic to confirm you that the car is OK and to Police so they can tell you that the car is not stolen. I will transfer the documents from the car to you and after that we will both go to Western Union to get the money sent by your wife or friend in Berlin/Germany.
If something is wrong with this car then i will give you 700 Euros for your trip and for your time, so please trust me because the car is like new, in perfect condition, my brother was the first owner of the car.
Western Union take comission for sending the money. This is not a problem because when we will meet in Berlin i will give you back the money which you have paid for sending the money to Germany. I am only selling the car because i had a bad accidend few months ago and i have problems with my left hand and i cannot drive anymore. This is my last car that i must sell and i want to sell it faster.
Please call me anytime at:00447040121857.

Fuck that too... touching story 😭

Cand vad acelasi text de la al doilea (si-al treilea etc)... ma lamuresc cum sta treaba.

Bun, acum sa avansam in situatie... Iau antetele full ale mailurilor pe care le-am primit de la gagiii respectivi. Let's see:
From frank antoni Mon Jun 5 02:30:37 2006
Return-Path: <>
Authentication-Results:; domainkeys=pass (ok)
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by with SMTP; Mon, 05 Jun 2006 02:30:38 -0700
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b=2N/SpMbu4tdpjLPDroNpieSjyTdI1nMJQT5C3yahSEIySXcPYk7IOk4W48SEqvS+DJH+KdfOsHCJEBRsH6U6bGDDAXb3napeGYXGcL00IfGapHHfJA4tgATsgyLzXRwA206finXOzH9XgCRcrZLUunVRZ7/ks1SeUm1PcOCVkR8= ;
Message-ID: <>
Received: from [] by via HTTP; Mon, 05 Jun 2006 02:30:37 PDT
Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2006 02:30:37 -0700 (PDT)
From: frank antoni <>
Subject: VW Golf 1.9 TDI 4Motion-2800 Eur for a fast answer....
To: *********
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Am ingrosat continutul campului Received. Adica IP-ul de pe care a fost trimit mailul. Caut pe si surpriza:
inetnum: -
netname: ONIX
descr: SC ONIX SRL
descr: 6 G-ral Magheru, Rm. Valcea,
descr: Valcea,1000, RO
country: ro

Adica mesteru nostru era de fapt din Rm Valcea si umbla dupa grozavii din astea...

In acelasi mod am gasit si alti furnizori de Internet din interiorul carora au fost trimise mailuri asemanatoare:
inetnum: -
descr: 102 LIPSCANI, ET.3,
country: ro

netnum: -
netname: RO-VL-SAGA
descr: SAGA S.R.L.
country: RO

inetnum: -
netname: RO-RDS-VL1
descr: Romania Data Systems
descr: Valcea, ROMANIA
country: RO

Asadaaaaar... MARE grija la "touching stories" de genul asta.

Ulterior am observat ca si-au schimbat textele, insa patternul anunturilor e acelasi: masina beton, nezgariata, nelovita, km putin, cea mai ingrijita, pret 1/3 sau 1/4 din pretul real, anunt pe persoana fizica, fara numar de telefon la care poate fi contactat proprietarul.
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  • cristivw

  • Mesaje scrise: 247
  • Locatie: Constanta
  • Masina: Astra 2001 Y17DT
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 05 Oct 2005

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mare atentie! cred ca treaba asta ar trebui data pe post! la stiri!

Ultima modificare făcută de cristivw la Joi 26 Oct, 2006 10:41 pm
  • Operabilus

  • Mesaje scrise: 786
  • Locatie: Cluj
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  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 20 Sep 2006

  • Mesaj Privat
Eu i-am atentionat pe responsabilii Mi-au zis ca se confrunta des cu treburi de genul asta. Daca e selectata limba germana, la fiecare anunt este un link care poate fi folosit pt a raporta anuntul ca fiind fraudulos.

Daca e sa se faca o ancheta, respectivii pot fi prinsi destul de usor, insa n-o sa se mobilizeze nimeni, mai ales ca nu exista un flagrant.
  • Calibra-Turbo

  • Mesaje scrise: 128
  • Locatie: Germany
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  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 01 Jun 2005

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All big internet selling platforms in europe have at the moment problems with gangs from eastern europe (also romania),russia and china that use "Western Union Money Trasfer","MoneyGram"and such unsecure escrow services for their deceids/crimes.These gangs use false names and adresses,false identity cards and passports or cheques that are put on a bank account where no money is and to a fictive person belongs and so on.Especially they use fictive stories to make you pay with western union money transfer or moneygram.
The telefonnumbers they sometimes use are in most cases faxnumbers that they rent under false name and should only send the fax to a special email adress in order to blur their trackless.
So be careful when buying on ebay or other selling platforms in foreign countries.

  • Mesaje scrise: 1,019
  • Locatie: Bucuresti
  • Masina: Astra 2004 Z18XE
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 25 Jan 2005

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e veche treaba, cer avans si apoi nu mai dai de ei, asa ca matre atentie...
  • Operabilus

  • Mesaje scrise: 786
  • Locatie: Cluj
  • Masina:
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 20 Sep 2006

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nu e vba de avans, e vba sa iti trimiti bani "tie", in asa fel incat sa-i poti ridica numai din orasul indicat de ei. sunt curios daca merg cu buletine false sa-ti ridice banii... le-am cerut odata act scanate, si mi-au trimis, si pareau destul de reale 😕
  • foca montana

  • Mesaje scrise: 850
  • Locatie: Bucuresti
  • Masina: Vectra 2005 Z19DTH
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 19 Mai 2005

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Faza e ca pe acel act de la westwrn union este scris acel cod de operatie pe care il stii doar tu si pe care il comunici persoanei care primeste banii. Merita incercata o faza de genul trimis mail cu o scanare a acelei hartii dar de pe ea sa fie sters codul de operatie sa vezi ce zic atunci. Daca ei au pe cineva oriunde este un birou western union si au codul de operatie si numele si adresa celui care trimite banii si a celui care primeste te usureaza de lovele instant. Plus ca am o vaga impresie ca toate treburile astea se fac de pe la vreun internet cafe. Daca politia ar face treaba i-ar prinde instant cel putin pe cel de la biroul western.
  • sorin666

  • Mesaje scrise: 3,885
  • Locatie: outside Manell's Land
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  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 12 Mai 2004

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Mai dar naivi mai sunteti 😈 Mir imi aterizeaza zilnic in mailul de la lucru "povesti nemuritoare" cu africani care au primit peste noapte o mostenire uriasa in Occident si apeleaza la tine sa le "albesti banii" 😈
Parerea mea e ca cine e suficient de bolovan sa muste la faze din astea merita jupuit 😠 nu de alta dar se practica de ani de zile... Exclamation
  • arson

  • Mesaje scrise: 162
  • Locatie:
  • Masina: Astra 2001 Y 2.0 DTH
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 27 Aug 2005

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deh, e bine ca se atrage atentia sa fim cu ochii in patru cand vine vorba de 'ocazii'.
apropo, am o masina de cusut marca siemens, piesa rara 😊 nu intereseaza pe nimeni? prietenii stiu de ce!
fie ca e vorba de masini de cusut sau de automobile, procedeul este acelasi: inducerea in eroare si hotia. atentie mare!
  • eduard33

  • Mesaje scrise: 1,502
  • Locatie: Bucuresti
  • Masina: Omega 1997 X20XEV
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 24 Nov 2004

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in concluzie, aviz celor ce urmeaza sa-si cumpere un Opel de pe internet
  • sorin666

  • Mesaje scrise: 3,885
  • Locatie: outside Manell's Land
  • Masina:
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 12 Mai 2004

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Da si nu, "" este un bun mijloc pentru un prim contact, urmat OBILGATORIU de o intalnire "face-to-face".
Daca te asteapta un turc, sarb, rus, rom***, etc, fugi ca din pusca...
Atentie si la anunturi "exclusiv pentru export"...
In alta ordine de idei, cunosc persoane care cumpara de pe "mobile" (in conditiile enuntate de mine...) si nu au probleme...
Acuma... totul este o simpla problema de optimizare a resurselor... fiecare trebuie sa isi puna problema ce e mai rentabil in cazul lui... sa-si ia o masina scumpa si calarita de la samsar, una idem deja rulata si "reparata" de tractoristi sau sa isi ia riscul sa si-o aduca singur, caz in care nu e contraindicat sa fie insotit de o persoana competenta...
PS in GER mai exista si pietele de masini de sambata dimineata, eu acolo mi-am luat precedenta masina si am fost super-multumit 'detalii la cerere, desi cred ca le-am mai dat...) 😎
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