Am vorbit cu mai multa lume, care se pricepe la asa ceva, si mie unul mi-a fost recomandat de catre toata lumea >>aceasta<< solutie de curatare.
Costa 150.000 lei, si se baga toata la un plin de 70L de benzina, urmand ca dupa 4000Km sa se repete operatiunea de curatiere.
Din ce se spune ca ar face:
- Cleans injectors and pump and keeps them clean.
- Prevents deposit formation on valves, in the intake manifold and in the combustion chambers.
- Improves cold starting properties.
- Prevents irregular idling and stumbling when accelerating.
- Restores injector spray pattern.
- Lubricates injectors, valves, pump and upper cylinder area.
- Improves combustion and engine performance.
- Protects the fuel system against rust and corrosion.
- Maintains CO and HC values at a minimum level.
- Prolongs the lifetime of the injection system.
- Can be used with leaded and unleaded petrol.
- Is safe for catalytic converters and turbochargers.
- To be used in petrol injection engines in order to prevent fouling of the inlet valves and to clean and keep clean injectors and pump.
- To be used in case of irregular idling, stumbling when accelerating, pinging, self-ignition, difficult starting, high fuel consumption, too high level of noxious exhaust gases.
Add Wynn's Injector Cleaner for Petrol Engines to the petrol tank every 4.000 kms (2.500 miles), preferably before filling-up. 1 bottle of 325 ml treats up to 70 litres of petrol.
Mie unul mi-a fost recomandata ptr inceput o mica doza de shoc, daca nu a mai fost pana acum curatata injectia si pompa, si am bagat cam jumatate de doza de solutie la 20L de benzina.
Acum astept sa vad si rezultate si sa vedem daca mi se va mai aprinde vreodata acel beculet portocaliu.
Joi sau vinerea viitoare plec la un drum mai lung unde o sa am posibilitatea sa o calc putin pe coada, sa vedem daca dupa 70-80km mai face aceasi figura.
A mai folosit cineva asa ceva ? Pareri ?
Multumesc anticipat,
cu respect,
Mircea !