- xcuseme
- OP
- 1,444 mesaje
- din 26 Aug 2006
- Astra 2002 Isuzu Y17DT 16v 55kW
- Iasi
- Mesaje scrise: 1,444
- Locatie: Iasi
- Masina: Astra 2002 Isuzu Y17DT 16v 55kW
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 26 Aug 2006
- Mesaj Privat
cat de cretini pot fi, distrug masini superbe in conditii bune... pentru bani.
Pana si americanii care le distruc zic ca e "a shame", "fucking waste" etc...
To ensure that vehicles traded-in under "Cash For Clunkers" will not be resold by dealers, the program outlines a procedure for destructively disabling the engine (and thus also precluding the possibility that any mechanical engine components might be salvaged to be used in the repair of any other vehicles): The motor oil is drained and replaced with a sodium silicate solution, then the engine is started and run until the solution, becoming glass-like when heated, causes engine internals to abrade and ultimately seize.[36] In addition, the salvage or scrap facility which acquires the vehicle cannot sell any powertrain components from the scrap vehicle. This includes the disabled engine (most specifically the long block components), the transmission/transaxle, and in some cases the axle assemblies. The salvage or scrap facility can sell any other component from the scrap vehicle until they are ready to crush and/or shred the vehicle. The salvage or scrap facility has 180 days to ultimately crush and/or shred the vehicle.[citation needed]
The outlined procedure says that running the engine at 2,000 RPM "should disable the engine within a few minutes"; if not, then allow the engine to cool off before repeating the procedure. Hazards associated with the intentional overheating and destruction of the engine include rupturing radiator and hot water/steam, motor oil ejection, toxic fumes, and fire.
By completely disabling the engine, the CARS program avoids illegal schemes such as the one discovered in Germany, where authorities found that an estimated 50,000 scrapped vehicles have been exported to Africa and Eastern Europe,[37] In contrast with the U.S. program, the German program only requires dealers to drop off the scrapped vehicles at junkyards, thus allowing the illegal exports.[37]
Auto recyclers and dismantlers have criticized the program due to requirements that the engine is to be disabled to prevent re-use of the car. To auto recyclers, a car's engine is considered to be the most valuable part of a junked car. Some recyclers have refused to participate in the program as well due to the limited profit potential of junking a car brought in under CARS.[38]
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- Drogas
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- din 11 Sep 2006
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- Stefan_BC
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- din 19 Oct 2009
- Zafira 2008 Z19DT
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- din 11 Mai 2009
- Astra 2001 y1,7dti
- Giurgiu
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- Stefan_BC
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- din 19 Oct 2009
- Zafira 2008 Z19DT
- Bacau
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- 399 mesaje
- din 22 Aug 2007
- Astra 2005 z17dth
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- tiry213
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- din 07 Jan 2008
- Vectra 1998 X20DTL
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- D.Mihai
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- din 30 Nov 2005
- Astra 2000 Z18XE
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- 89dam
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- din 03 Feb 2008
- Astra 2006 z16xep
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- colbert
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- din 17 Mar 2009
- Astra 2009 1.7 cdti Z 1.7 DTH
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- D.Mihai
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- din 30 Nov 2005
- Astra 2000 Z18XE
- Bucuresti
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- colbert
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- din 17 Mar 2009
- Astra 2009 1.7 cdti Z 1.7 DTH
- Iasi
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- xcuseme
- OP
- 1,444 mesaje
- din 26 Aug 2006
- Astra 2002 Isuzu Y17DT 16v 55kW
- Iasi
- Mesaje scrise: 1,444
- Locatie: Iasi
- Masina: Astra 2002 Isuzu Y17DT 16v 55kW
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 26 Aug 2006
- Mesaj Privat
E ca si cum tu ai avea un frigider bun in casa, de 20 de ani, care poate inca ar mai merge 10 ani, dar vrei sa iti iei unul nou. In loc sa-l scoti in strada si sa-l lasi in fata casei sa si-l ia un amarat care il mai poate folosi pana moare de tot... preferi sa-l distrugi inainte... sa fii sigur ca nu il mai ia nimeni. Nu e pacat de el?
Cum e mai poluant? Sa distrugi o masina care poate mai merge bine mersi cateva sute de mii de km sau sa o dai mai departe la unu amarat care are nevoie de ea si o e o mana cereasca pentru el?
Ce-i drept... masinile americane sunt facute la marele grand... mari, poluante, grele, motoare enorme consumatoare de combustibil cu galeata. Probabil ca nu ar fi vrut nimeni sa le importe.
Oricum ar fi... mie mi se pare o bataie de joc. Un consum inutil de resurse. Sper ca macar aia care isi innoiesc masinile acolo sa isi ia ceva cu motor mic, avand in vedere criza petrolului.
- elegance
- *****
- 3,074 mesaje
- din 31 Jul 2006
- Astra 2000 Y 17 DT
- Cluj
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- Masina: Astra 2000 Y 17 DT
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- Cont inregistrat: 31 Jul 2006
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Cum e mai poluant? Sa distrugi o masina care poate mai merge bine mersi cateva sute de mii de km sau sa o dai mai departe la unu amarat care are nevoie de ea si o e o mana cereasca pentru el?
Sa o distrugi. 😉 Acuma sincer, cand o sa ajungeti sa platiti cateva mii de euro in taxe si asigurari pt. o masina de genul ala, o sa creasca inima in voi cand o vedeti adunata intr-un cub de 50x50. 😂
- gabytzuxxl
- ***
- 808 mesaje
- din 03 Jul 2009
- Bucuresti
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- Cont inregistrat: 03 Jul 2009
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Ce arunca nemtii luam noi, e clar.