Explain step by step how to locate, disassemble, clean and void of the EGR engines X16XEL Opel. You may also be applicable to other models, but I am unaware.
As a brief introduction explain what is the EGR: It comes from English Exhaust Gas Recirculation (exhaust gas recirculation). This valve is in charge of taking a percentage of the exhaust of the engine and return to put the air intake, even a speed below the 3000 - 3500 RPM. After that regime, the valve is closed and only comes clean air in the admission. This constant opening and closing, and apart throughout the Char that accumulates in the valve are responsible for a malfunction caused hitches, idling unstable and failures in the switchboard.
Therefore cancel the EGR and we will see how the engine is thinner and more power under the 3000 RPM.
Localizare valvei EGR :
It's hidden beneath the intake manifold, near the accelerator. Has the average size can of soda and its color is black.

Demontarea acesteia :
The first thing to do is remove the plastic cover where it says "Ecotec". After releasing the intake manifold, removing the screws marked in red and hoses marked in green. Asimo will also have to drop the pipe that goes to desdela butterfly collector, but I advise you done with a good key "picoloro" because the pier that is, they bring… ????

Remove the collectors, taking care not to lose the board, and not between us because the engine.

Now you will have access to the EGR, but to disassemble need a ratchet with extender, and a tip Torx30.

Curatare si anulare :
The most important thing is clear though the valve, so as not to jam and give us the least possible failures. I have used KH-7 and an old toothbrush, but you can use almost anything that is capable of cleaning the charcoal.

Here I have spent a screw, so that the valve was open, and he filled up .

While it does effect the KH-7 as all crap, let's factories plate which is as blind to annul the EGR physically. In my case I used the carcass of a power supply of a computer, but you can use almost any moderately resistant sheet and to be able to work without difficulty.

We use the original board to highlight what needs to be cut (or saw immerse Dremel) and we will pass the holes where the screws.
Once cut sheet, should fit in perfectly over the valve.

To make it easier reassembly of the EGR, we can hit with heat-resistant silicone sheet to the valve, and before mounting the valve also apply sealant on the side of the plate that goes to the admission, so that leaks or False air intakes.
The assembly is just a way to reverse disassembly, taking care to remain tight all nuts, that we put together properly and plug the sleeves in place.
Final conclusion
The whole process can be done in about 2 to 3 hours, depending on the ability to take the tools. It is a highly recommendable that since then it's worth making, because the feeling of softness engine increases markedly, even gaining strength in recoveries less than 50 mph in 3 rd.