- eu
- OP
- 712 mesaje
- din 15 Jun 2004
- Astra 2006 Z16XEP
- Bucuresti
- Mesaje scrise: 712
- Locatie: Bucuresti
- Masina: Astra 2006 Z16XEP
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 15 Jun 2004
- Mesaj Privat
Am fost la un service opel si mi-au spus ca intra in repaus ABS-ul, dar ca nu e normal sa se intample asa.
Poate ma ajutati ca daca nu singura solutie ramane sa o verific pe un calculator.
- radu
- **
- 342 mesaje
- din 17 Apr 2004
- craiova
- Mesaje scrise: 342
- Locatie: craiova
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- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 17 Apr 2004
- Mesaj Privat
- ToX
- ****
- 1,262 mesaje
- din 17 Mai 2004
- Astra OPC 2013 A20NFT
- Bucuresti
- Mesaje scrise: 1,262
- Locatie: Bucuresti
- Masina: Astra OPC 2013 A20NFT
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 17 Mai 2004
- Mesaj Privat
Dis-engage the diagnostics plug from its socket.
This is positioned at the rear of the engine bay on the passengers side on cavalier/calibra?s, on the astra3 it?s in the fusebox, and on vectra?s around the handbrake.
It has 10 pins.
Short pins A & K to read the ABS codes. (for example)
The ABS warning light will start to flash as follows.
The code 12 is first flashed three times, this is a marker
If a code is stored it is then flashed three times.
The code 12 is then flashed three times, this is a separator
If a 2nd code is stored it is then flashed three times or the first code is repeated.
The code 12 is then flashed three times, this is a separator
To clear codes you should disconnect the battery for a minimum of
10 minutes and then re-connect.
ABS. Short pins A and K on the diag plug
Early models which have the old ABS system where the control unit is located at the side of the passenger seat in a lump in the carpet do not usually have this fault code facility. Check whether the diag plug has a wire at location K.
Calibra 2WD H reg models should be able to read codes out.
16 LH Front Solenoid ( Relay & Connections )
17 RH Front Solenoid ( Relay & Connections )
18 Rear Solenoids ( Relay & Connections )
19 Solenoids Relay Circuits
25 Faulty Sensor toothed Ring
35 Pump Relay Circuits
37 Stop Lamp Switch ( Pedal Switch )
39 LH Front Speed Sensor ( Air Gap & Operation )
41 LH Front Speed Sensor ( Resistance & Connections )
42 RH Front Speed Sensor ( Air Gap & Operation )
43 RH Front Speed Sensor ( Resistance & Connections )
44 LH Rear Speed Sensor ( Air Gap & Operation )
45 LH Rear Speed Sensor ( Resistance & Connections )
46 RH Rear Speed Sensor ( Air Gap & Operation )
47 RH Rear Speed Sensor ( Resistance & Connections )
48 System Voltage High/Low ( Alternator & Battery )
55 Faulty ECU
4x4. Short pins A and J on the diag plug
15 Oil Temperature Sensor Voltage high
24 No Speed Signal
31 No Engine RPM Signal
32 Pressure Switch Faulty
33 Solenoid Valve ? Voltage High (on 1992 models will give this code if tx box overheated to 160°C) or if fuse 19 removed.
34 Solenoid Valve ? Voltage Low
37 Brake Lamp Switch
39 No ABS signal (MPH) or 0 MPH and 2300rpm for greater than 15 seconds
55 ECU Faulty
71 Brake switch Voltage high
72 Brake switch Voltage low
73 Car stopped without using brakes from speeds greater than 37mph
74 PAS pressure low, less than 10 bar
75 Oil Temperature Sensor Voltage low or
Transfer box overheated to 160°C (or 140°C for speeds greater than 118mph)
Blue items apply only to Later models, approx 1994 Model year L reg which do not have mechanical speedo cables.
Traction Control Short pins A and J on the diag plug
Traction control fault codes
Thanks to Garrie N D
14 Coolant temperature sensor - voltage low (20XE only)
15 Coolant temperature sensor - voltage high (20XE only)
21 Throttle position sensor - voltage high (20XE only)
22 Throttle position sensor - voltage low (20XE only)
26 Traction control Throttle position sensor - voltage high
27 Traction control Throttle position sensor - voltage low
31 No Engine RPM Signal
37 Stop Lamp Switch ( Pedal Switch )
39 LH Front Speed Sensor
42 RH Front Speed Sensor
44 LH Rear Speed Sensor
46 RH Rear Speed Sensor
55 ECU fault
57 ABS status signal low (ABS light on indicating fault with ABS system, fix this ABS fault first)
58 ABS status signal open circuit
63 Throttle motor (ETC) motor open circuit
64 Throttle motor (ETC) motor short circuit
82 On/Off switch voltage low.
A common problem is the traction control motor plug being damp.
The TC coolant temperature sensor is located in the engine ecu coolant temperature sensor on the 20XE M2.5. If this is found to be faulty is should be replaced with the correct sensor. ie a black one not a blue one.
Fault codes 39,42,44,46,57 Are faults with the ABS system not the traction control system and therefore the ABS light should be on. Fix the ABS fault and the traction control fault code should go away.
In the unlikly event no ABS fault can be found check the following wires that run between the ABS and TC ecu
Blue, Blue/green, Blue/white, Blue/red, Brown/yellow. Listed in order of faultcode numbers.
Fault codes can be read out of the Alarm by shorting pins A and H.
The code is flashed out on the ultrasonic led.
The Ultrasonic button clears the codes.
18 Fault with disarm signal
25 Horn Voltage Low ? Horn O/C or fuse blown
26 Indicator Left open circuit
27 Indicator Right open circuit
28 Ultrasonic driver side open circuit or incorrect voltage
29 Ultrasonic passenger side open circuit or incorrect voltage
32 Boot caused an alarm condition
33 Bonnet caused an alarm condition
34 Doors caused an alarm condition
35 Ignition Turned on caused an alarm condition
36 Imbolization circuit open circuit (starter circuit triggered causing alarm)
37 Radio caused an alarm condition
38 Ultrasonic's caused an alarm condition
39 Fault with disarm signal. (central locking fuse blown) (causing alarm condition)
40 Two alarm triggers at the same time.
41 Spare alarm input caused alarm condition (pin 14)
46 Rear Window smashed caused an alarm condition ('92+ models only)
52 Horn Voltage Low ? Horn O/C or fuse blown
55 ECU fault
Automatic gearbox. Short pins A and C on the diag plug
17 Solenoid 1-2/3-4 (Voltage Low)
21 Throttle Position Sensor (Voltage High)
22 Throttle Position Sensor (Voltage Low)
23 Coolant Temperature Switch (Voltage High)
25 Solenoid 1-2/3-4 (Voltage High)
26 Solenoid 2-3 (Voltage Low)
27 Connection Solenoid 2-3/Solenoid TCC
28 Solenoid 2-3 (Voltage High)
29 TCC Solenoid (Voltage Low)
31 No Engine RPM Signal
32 Pressure Regulator Solenoid (Voltage Low)
33 Pressure Regulator Solenoid (Current High)
36 TCC Solenoid (Voltage High)
38 No Transmission Input RPM Signal
39 No Transmission Output RPM Signal
41 Gear Error Hydraulic Fault (usually an internal transmission mechanical failure - forward clutch ?)
42 Pressure Regulator Solenoid (Short Circuit)
47 Down Shift Protection
48 Battery (Voltage Low)
49 Battery (Voltage High)
56 Selector Switch (Incorrect Signal)
65 AT Oil Temperature Sensor (Voltage High)
66 AT Oil Temperature Sensor (Voltage Low/High)
67 AT Oil Temperature Sensor (Voltage High)
75 Transmission Switch (Voltage Low)
76 Engine TPS Load (Signal Incorrect)
77 Kickdown Switch (Voltage Low)
78 AT Shift Time (Too Long)
Diag Connector Pinout
A Brown Ground
B Brown/Yellow Engine ECU
C Brown/Black Automatic Gearbox (not models with traction control ie V6)
D Brown/Red Fuel Computer (LCD dash ? not UK models)
E Brown/Blue Engine ECU light / Uni dirrection data line to engine ecu
F Red +12v (fused via F😎
G Brown/White Bi dirrectional data line
H Brown/Blue Alarm (ride control) %
J Brown/Grey 4x4 or Traction Control (* not 4x4 on M reg models on)
(# not TC on later models)
K Grey ABS
* Later models, approx 1994 Model year L reg which do not have mechanical speedo cables will have a wire in location J
approx 1995 Model year M reg do not have a wire in location J
However on both of the above, the code flash technique does not work. (Only Tech 1)
# Later models which do not have a wire in location J, the Traction control code can not be read out with this flash techique.
% Later M reg + Calibra models, the Alarm codes can not be read out with this flash techique.
- eu
- OP
- 712 mesaje
- din 15 Jun 2004
- Astra 2006 Z16XEP
- Bucuresti
- Mesaje scrise: 712
- Locatie: Bucuresti
- Masina: Astra 2006 Z16XEP
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 15 Jun 2004
- Mesaj Privat
- CatalinE
- **
- 449 mesaje
- din 14 Jun 2004
- Mesaje scrise: 449
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- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 14 Jun 2004
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- free4wayu
- **
- 133 mesaje
- din 10 Jul 2004
- Mesaje scrise: 133
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- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 10 Jul 2004
- Mesaj Privat
- eu
- OP
- 712 mesaje
- din 15 Jun 2004
- Astra 2006 Z16XEP
- Bucuresti
- Mesaje scrise: 712
- Locatie: Bucuresti
- Masina: Astra 2006 Z16XEP
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 15 Jun 2004
- Mesaj Privat
- oshlobanul
- *
- 43 mesaje
- din 12 Mai 2004
- Mesaje scrise: 43
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- Masina:
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 12 Mai 2004
- Mesaj Privat
Kare DINTZI?! ... nu au cum sa se toceasca dintii de la planetare ca aia nu sint solicitati delok, nu se freaka de nimik..
Nu conteaza nici daca s-au murdarit adica icarcat cu noroi sau altceva.. pentru ca senzorul care este fix si la o distantza foarte mica dar fara sa atinga dintii e capsulat in plastic si are o bobina in interior.. deci e electromagnetica problema acolo.. si nu conteaza noroiul...
deci cred in continuare ca problema pleaca de la senzori in primul rind, nu de la planetare... si urca pe cabluri pina la pompa de ABS sau mai stiu io pe unde o iau.. daca totul e ok pe traseul asta.. de-abia dupa aia mai incercati si alte variante..
zik si io nu dau cu parul dar am patit.. m-a obsedat vreo trei luni.. solutia: tester (500.000) si vezi exact.. si apoi inlocuit exact senzor bushit de la dezmembrari.. 700.000 ... ca nou e vreo 4 mil si ceva probabil.. deci merita oricum..
iar asta cu imi intra ABS-ul prea devreme mi se pare ciudata rau.. deci ori ai cauciucurile barbierite, ori erai pa gheatza, ori altceva ... intra prea devreme pentru ca se bloca roata prea devreme.. acum fara ABS nu se blokeaza la fel de devreme?.. doar ca ai alta senzatie cind roata se blokeaza.. ti se pare ca intr-adevar frinezi.. ABS te ajuta in primul rind sa controlezi mashina la frinare... adica sa nu iti fuga spatele inainte si sa mergi pa lat pina pa primul stilp.. una peste alta.. cind e suprafatza alunecoasa trebuie sa te adaptezi si cu ABS si fara..
in sfirshit.. mai ziceti si voi... si nu o luati personal ca nu asta era scopul postului meu..
hai bafta..
- eu
- OP
- 712 mesaje
- din 15 Jun 2004
- Astra 2006 Z16XEP
- Bucuresti
- Mesaje scrise: 712
- Locatie: Bucuresti
- Masina: Astra 2006 Z16XEP
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 15 Jun 2004
- Mesaj Privat
- ToX
- ****
- 1,262 mesaje
- din 17 Mai 2004
- Astra OPC 2013 A20NFT
- Bucuresti
- Mesaje scrise: 1,262
- Locatie: Bucuresti
- Masina: Astra OPC 2013 A20NFT
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 17 Mai 2004
- Mesaj Privat
2, abs-u mi-a crapat. Nu se mai aprinde becu neam cand pui contactu, si asta nu era o problema ca a mers, dar in seara asta m-am tras cu un megane d-asta nou si pe la 120 am pus frana, frectzie, a scos fum din rotzi, ABS mort de-a binelea...ceva idei ?
- Cali...nV6
- ***
- 519 mesaje
- din 24 Apr 2004
- Cluj-Napoca
- Mesaje scrise: 519
- Locatie: Cluj-Napoca
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- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 24 Apr 2004
- Mesaj Privat
- ToX
- ****
- 1,262 mesaje
- din 17 Mai 2004
- Astra OPC 2013 A20NFT
- Bucuresti
- Mesaje scrise: 1,262
- Locatie: Bucuresti
- Masina: Astra OPC 2013 A20NFT
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 17 Mai 2004
- Mesaj Privat
- Slick
- ****
- 1,319 mesaje
- din 29 Apr 2004
- Astra 2004 Z20LET
- Prahova
- Mesaje scrise: 1,319
- Locatie: Prahova
- Masina: Astra 2004 Z20LET
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 29 Apr 2004
- Mesaj Privat
- ToX
- ****
- 1,262 mesaje
- din 17 Mai 2004
- Astra OPC 2013 A20NFT
- Bucuresti
- Mesaje scrise: 1,262
- Locatie: Bucuresti
- Masina: Astra OPC 2013 A20NFT
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 17 Mai 2004
- Mesaj Privat
- Slick
- ****
- 1,319 mesaje
- din 29 Apr 2004
- Astra 2004 Z20LET
- Prahova
- Mesaje scrise: 1,319
- Locatie: Prahova
- Masina: Astra 2004 Z20LET
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 29 Apr 2004
- Mesaj Privat
- MadCow
- **
- 278 mesaje
- din 29 Mai 2004
- Astra 2006 Z20LEH
- Iasi
- Mesaje scrise: 278
- Locatie: Iasi
- Masina: Astra 2006 Z20LEH
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 29 Mai 2004
- Mesaj Privat
- Thanatos
- ****
- 1,108 mesaje
- din 24 Aug 2004
- Vectra 2000 X18XE1
- constanta - dk
- Mesaje scrise: 1,108
- Locatie: constanta - dk
- Masina: Vectra 2000 X18XE1
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 24 Aug 2004
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- Mr.hat
- **
- 449 mesaje
- din 17 Oct 2004
- Cluj
- Mesaje scrise: 449
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- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 17 Oct 2004
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Am un Astra din 92 1.6i si am si eu probl cu abs-ul.La mine nu sant de vina senzorii de abs ci dintii de pe capetele de planetara.Masina am cumparato nu demult si cel de la care am luat-o mi-a zis ca aschimbat un capat de planetara si de aia nu merge abs-u.Am fost la reprezentata opel ei mi-au zis acelasi lucru:dintii de pe capetele de planetara.Pe o roata am 27 dinti pe una 42 dinti , acuma de unde sa stiu eu de pe care roata trebe sa ii schimb 😃 ,cei de la opel nu au stiut sa imi zica.Daca stiti careva astept raspunsuri pls.
- ron
- **
- 297 mesaje
- din 18 Jun 2004
- Astra 2003 Z16SE
- Constanta
- Mesaje scrise: 297
- Locatie: Constanta
- Masina: Astra 2003 Z16SE
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 18 Jun 2004
- Mesaj Privat
- MadCow
- **
- 278 mesaje
- din 29 Mai 2004
- Astra 2006 Z20LEH
- Iasi
- Mesaje scrise: 278
- Locatie: Iasi
- Masina: Astra 2006 Z20LEH
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 29 Mai 2004
- Mesaj Privat
Masina e o Vectra A 1,8 i din 93