- Mesaje scrise: 3
- Locatie: Suceava
- Masina: Combo 2005
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 25 Jun 2008
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- StefanTolos
- ******
- 4,220 mesaje
- din 23 Nov 2007
- Corsa 2018 B12XER
- Constanta
- Mesaje scrise: 4,220
- Locatie: Constanta
- Masina: Corsa 2018 B12XER
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 23 Nov 2007
- Mesaj Privat
What is a Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF)?
A DPF is an additional filter located in the exhaust system to filter out harmful soot particles from the exhaust gases, in particular to meet the requirements of the Euro IV exhaust emission standard of 25 mg per km. Soot particles are collected in the DPF and eliminated periodically by automatic regeneration.
Which Models are Fitted with a DPF?
The following models are currently fitted with a DPF.
1.3 Diesel Meriva
Combo from MY 07
1.7 Diesel All Corsa D
1.9 Diesel All Signum
Vectra Estate
Vectra Hatchback with automatic transmission
All Zafira B
Astra H with automatic transmission only
All Astra H Twin Top
3.0 Diesel All Vectra and Signum as of MY 06.5
2.5 Diesel
(146PS ) Vivaro from MY 07[/email]
Movano from MY 07 (146PS version only)
What is DPF Regeneration and How is it Achieved?
All models, less Vivaro / Movano)
Regeneration is the process which produces a high temperature in the DPF to effectively “burn off†the soot particles. Achievement of the required DPF temperatures requires the engine to be operating at sufficient speed and load conditions to trigger and sustain the process. Generally the vehicle needs to be driven at a speed of 25 to 30 mph or more for a period of approximately 15 minutes to complete regeneration (Road and traffic situation permitting). Providing these driving conditions are achieved on a regular basis, DPF regeneration will be triggered automatically with no further intervention required. Some types of use, e.g. short urban journeys, do not allow complete automatic regeneration to take place. In this instance the driver should ensure that the vehicle is driven regularly within the required regeneration parameters for a short period. Failure to achieve an automatic regeneration will lead to clogging of the DPF. If this occurs, the engine warning light will illuminate and the engine electronics will switch to the emergency running programme. The DPF will require a manual regeneration which can only be initiated by a Vauxhall Authorised Repairer.
Vivaro / Movano
Generally the comments above apply. However, if the driving conditions necessary to achieve an automatic regeneration have not been achieved, the driver will receive warning via a lamp in the instrument cluster that he should drive at approximately 40 mph for a period to induce a regeneration (Road and traffic situation permitting). This procedure is fully described in the Owner’s Manual.
DPF Operational Improvements
Several improvements to DPF function or driver information have been, or will shortly be, introduced.
Vauxhall (1.9 Diesel)
An optimised soot loading model for the DPF has been developed to initiate automatic DPF regeneration at a lower level of soot loading of the DPF. This reduces the likelihood of complete DPF clogging. Additionally, the impact of an aborted regeneration (driver switches off engine before regeneration completion) is reduced. Should the lower soot loading threshold be reached, the driver will now receive warning that a regeneration is required via flashing of the instrument glow plug light. This will enable the driver to initiate a regeneration by driving to the required parameters when road and traffic conditions permit.
The software for these changes is being introduced progressively on Production and should be fully effective by mid September, with availability of service fix software (covering both the new soot model and the driver information) for existing vehicles by the end of September.
Other Reasons for a Clogged DPF
Other than an unsuitable driving pattern, a blocked DPF may result from another engine hardware or software problems. Improvements have already been introduced to address many of these (Electro Pneumatic Valve, EGR valve, swirl flaps, DPF differential pressure sensor). Further improvements are being developed on an urgent basis (EGR shaking, air intake module / swirl flap redesign).
- StefanTolos
- ******
- 4,220 mesaje
- din 23 Nov 2007
- Corsa 2018 B12XER
- Constanta
- Mesaje scrise: 4,220
- Locatie: Constanta
- Masina: Corsa 2018 B12XER
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 23 Nov 2007
- Mesaj Privat
la dosar trebuie sa ai copie dupa chitanta cu prima taxa de inmatriculare,cartea de identitate vizata la rar cu emisiile de co(26 ron la care astepti aproximativ 2 saptamani si aici),certificatul de inmatriculare romanesc si cel de provenienta straina si o cere tip de restituire banii
- Mesaje scrise: 66
- Locatie: Bucuresti
- Masina: Astra 2005 Z17DTL
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 29 Jun 2007
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Stiti cumva de cand s-a introdus filtrul de particule pe motorizarile diesel? Sau unde sa gasim informatia si sub ce forma?
Optiunea "NT4 EMISSION-SYSTEM EEC 05" insemna acest lucru. Stie cineva?
Valabil pentru oricine isi ia o masina second: cum putem sti daca avem acest filtru? Ne zic cei de la RAR daca intrebam sau cum?
Ma interesa in mod special pentru motorul 1,7 CDTI de 80 CP, fabricatie iulie 2005.
Banuiesc ca sunt multi interesati de problema asta de acum, ca se plateste mai putin in caz ca e prevazut acest filtru.
- Tzepozzz
- ***
- 795 mesaje
- din 06 Sep 2007
- Astra 2001 Y 17DT
- Prahova
- Mesaje scrise: 795
- Locatie: Prahova
- Masina: Astra 2001 Y 17DT
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 06 Sep 2007
- Mesaj Privat
- Mesaje scrise: 66
- Locatie: Bucuresti
- Masina: Astra 2005 Z17DTL
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 29 Jun 2007
- Mesaj Privat
- Tzepozzz
- ***
- 795 mesaje
- din 06 Sep 2007
- Astra 2001 Y 17DT
- Prahova
- Mesaje scrise: 795
- Locatie: Prahova
- Masina: Astra 2001 Y 17DT
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 06 Sep 2007
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- ktapet
- **
- 483 mesaje
- din 13 Mai 2005
- Zafira 2007 Z19DT
- Ilfov
- Mesaje scrise: 483
- Locatie: Ilfov
- Masina: Zafira 2007 Z19DT
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 13 Mai 2005
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- jE
- *******
- 8,413 mesaje
- din 04 Jun 2006
- Astra 2005 Z18XE
- Brasov
- Mesaje scrise: 8,413
- Locatie: Brasov
- Masina: Astra 2005 Z18XE
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 04 Jun 2006
- Mesaj Privat
Am gasit o Corsa, din 2003, cu Z12XE. Teoretic, dupa si in conformitate cu calculatoarele de taxa din stanga si din dreapta, care mai de care mai actuale, toate imi zic ca taxa la masinuta asta ar fi 219 EUR. Insa un prieten mi-a spus ca ar fi auzit cum ca taxa de inmatriculare are (incepand cu 2010) o valoare minima de 460 EUR
Stie cineva detalii despre povestea asta?
- Edwin
- *******
- 5,924 mesaje
- din 27 Nov 2008
- Zafira 2006 z19dt
- Bistrita-Nasaud
- Mesaje scrise: 5,924
- Locatie: Bistrita-Nasaud
- Masina: Zafira 2006 z19dt
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 27 Nov 2008
- Mesaj Privat
Am gasit o Corsa, din 2003, cu Z12XE. Teoretic, dupa si in conformitate cu calculatoarele de taxa din stanga si din dreapta, care mai de care mai actuale, toate imi zic ca taxa la masinuta asta ar fi 219 EUR. Insa un prieten mi-a spus ca ar fi auzit cum ca taxa de inmatriculare are (incepand cu 2010) o valoare minima de 460 EUR
Stie cineva detalii despre povestea asta?
Aceastã taxã este pentru maºinile noi cu norma Euro 4 ( 1.4 ) care anul trecut erau scutite de taxa auto. Pentru Corsa este valabilã taxa pe care þi-au dat-o calculatoarele de taxa. Numai bine