- petreiulian
- OP
- 17 mesaje
- din 06 Mai 2016
- Astra 2006 Z19DT
- Arges
- Mesaje scrise: 17
- Locatie: Arges
- Masina: Astra 2006 Z19DT
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 06 Mai 2016
- Mesaj Privat
De curand am cumpãrat un astra h 1.9 dth 150 cp. Acum cateva zile am gasit rampa cu injectoare plina cu motorina. Dupa curatare si suflat cu aer, am pornit masina si am încercat sa imi dau seama pe unde pierde.Nu am reusit in prima faza, dar dupa ce am mers cam 100 de km am verificat din nou si am observat ca pe la primu injector ( din stinga) pierdea motorina. Dupa cum arata se pare ca acest injector a fost schimbat ( pare mult mai nou). Ma poate ajuta cineva sa imi spuna cu ce cuplu trebuie strans surubul de la teaca care tine injectorul. Vreau sa il verific, sau dsca este nevoie sa schimb saiba de cupru de pe scaunul injectorului.
- petreiulian
- OP
- 17 mesaje
- din 06 Mai 2016
- Astra 2006 Z19DT
- Arges
- Mesaje scrise: 17
- Locatie: Arges
- Masina: Astra 2006 Z19DT
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 06 Mai 2016
- Mesaj Privat
- jgyprime
- *******
- 9,953 mesaje
- din 22 Dec 2010
- Vectra 2005 Z19DT
- Galati
- Mesaje scrise: 9,953
- Locatie: Galati
- Masina: Vectra 2005 Z19DT
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 22 Dec 2010
- Mesaj Privat
Ai putea incerca prin TIS sa vezi daca gasesti ceva...
Eu am folosit TIS doar pentru scheme electrice, dar am vazut la cineva cum se uita pe niste detalii de montaj la diverse componente poate or fi si ceva detalii legate de injectoare si la ce cuplu se strang...
- petreiulian
- OP
- 17 mesaje
- din 06 Mai 2016
- Astra 2006 Z19DT
- Arges
- Mesaje scrise: 17
- Locatie: Arges
- Masina: Astra 2006 Z19DT
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 06 Mai 2016
- Mesaj Privat
- xcuseme
- ****
- 1,444 mesaje
- din 26 Aug 2006
- Astra 2002 Isuzu Y17DT 16v 55kW
- Iasi
- Mesaje scrise: 1,444
- Locatie: Iasi
- Masina: Astra 2002 Isuzu Y17DT 16v 55kW
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 26 Aug 2006
- Mesaj Privat
poze aici: http://www.motor-talk.de/fo...tachmentId=677623
Important: When working on the fuel system maintaining cleanliness is essential, otherwise the smallest particles of dirt may result in engine operating faults or faults in the fuel system. Open fuel connections must be sealed off with suitable sealing plugs from the Opel parts catalogue. Sealing plugs are designed for single use only.
Note: Injectors can also be replaced individually. When replacing one injector or all of them, the IMA code of the injectors must be programmed into the engine control device using TECH 2
1. Open bonnet
2. Remove engine cover.
• 4x unclip
Note: Rubber brackets must be left on the engine cover
3. Disconnect battery.
• Detach ground clamp from ground terminal
– Remove nut
4. Disconnect wiring harness plug for injector
5. Detach oil leak line (1)
• Press retaining clamp in the direction of the arrow
• Detach oil leak line and lay aside
6. Remove engine vent pipe (2) when replacing injector for cylinder 1
• Detach hose (3)
– Release clamp
• Open 2x wiring harness clip
– Lay wiring harness aside
• Unscrew 2x bolt (1)
7. Remove high pressure line 1 (1) when replacing injector for cylinder 1
Important: When releasing the union nut at injector, counterhold with open-ended wrench
• Unscrew 2x union nut
• Close off any connections with suitable stoppers
8. Remove 2x high pressure line when replacing injector for cylinder 2, 3 or 4
Important: When releasing the union nut at injector, counterhold with open-ended wrench
• Remove high pressure line of cylinder concerned (2)
– Unscrew 2x union nut
– Close off any connections with suitable stoppers
Important: When releasing the union nut at injector, counterhold with open-ended wrench
• Remove high pressure line of the cylinder directly on the left (seen from the front) (1)
– Unscrew 2x union nut
– Close off any connections with suitable stoppers
9. Remove stud bolts
• Unscrew nut
• Screw on 2x counter nut (1)
• Unscrew stud bolt
10. Remove injector
• Pull out injector
Note: If the injector cannot be removed by hand, use KM-328-B in connection with EN-46786 (1)
• Remove injector with bracket
• Remove Seal ring
• Close off any connections with suitable stoppers
11. Cleaning work
Note: Use EN-47632 to clean the injector seats. Insert EN-47632 in the injector shaft with coarse fleece and pre-clean the injector seat by turning. Then perform final cleaning with fine fleece.
12. Install injector
• Remove sealing plug
• Replace seal ring
• Insert injector with bracket
13. Install stud bolt
• Tighten stud bolts 14 Nm
• Unscrew 2x counter nut
14. Fasten injector
• Tighten new nut 25 Nm
15. Install 2x high pressure line when replacing injector for cylinder 2, 3 or 4
Important: When securing the lock nut, counterhold at injector with open-ended wrench
• Install new high pressure line of cylinder concerned
– Remove sealing plug
– Tighten lock nut (M12) 25 Nm
– Tighten lock nut (M14) 23 Nm
Important: When securing the lock nut, counterhold at injector with open-ended wrench
• Install new high pressure line of the cylinder directly on the left (seen from the front)
– Remove sealing plug
– Tighten lock nut (M12) 25 Nm
– Tighten lock nut (M14) 23 Nm
16. Install new high pressure line 1 when replacing injector for cylinder 1
• Remove sealing plug
Important: When securing the lock nut, counterhold at injector with open-ended wrench
• Tighten lock nut (M12) 25 Nm
• Tighten lock nut (M14) 23 Nm
17. Install engine vent pipe when replacing injector for cylinder 1
• Attach hose
– Fasten clamp
• Clip in 2x wiring harness
• Tighten 2x bolts 9 Nm
18. Attach oil leak line
• Retaining clamp must engage audibly
19. Connect injector wiring harness plug
20. Connect battery.
• Attach ground clamp to ground terminal
– Tighten nuts
21. Program volatile memories
22. Install engine cover.
• Clip in 4x
23. Close bonnet
- petreiulian
- OP
- 17 mesaje
- din 06 Mai 2016
- Astra 2006 Z19DT
- Arges
- Mesaje scrise: 17
- Locatie: Arges
- Masina: Astra 2006 Z19DT
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 06 Mai 2016
- Mesaj Privat
- DMoscovici
- *
- 1 mesaje
- din 05 Jul 2017
- Mesaje scrise: 1
- Locatie:
- Masina:
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 05 Jul 2017
- Mesaj Privat
- aaresis
- **
- 239 mesaje
- din 01 Aug 2007
- Vectra 2005 1.9DTH
- Bucuresti
- Mesaje scrise: 239
- Locatie: Bucuresti
- Masina: Vectra 2005 1.9DTH
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 01 Aug 2007
- Mesaj Privat
Am un Opel Signum 1.9 dth.
Am desfacut injectoarele ca sa le duc la reparat..Am vazut ca suruburile si saibele care tin " scaunele" injectoarelor pe pozitie sunt destul de uzate/
Vreau sa le schimb dar nu le gasesc..
Ma puteti ajuta cu un cod?
In poza atasata sunt la pozitiile 25 si 26.

horaa- Suspendat
- 3,472 mesaje
- din 05 Oct 2012
- Astra 2012 a14net
- Bihor
horaa- Mesaje scrise: 3,472
- Locatie: Bihor
- Masina: Astra 2012 a14net
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 05 Oct 2012
- Mesaj Privat