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  • astraopel

  • Mesaje scrise: 275
  • Locatie: Bucuresti
  • Masina: Astra 1992 c16nz
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 04 Mai 2011

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Hmm.. ceva poze cu interiorul motorului înainte si dupã,parametrii de functionalitate la fel înainte si dupã, grad de uzura tot înainte si dupã sau vorbim așa empiric si determinam efectul placebo in toatã splendoarea lui ?
Eu cred ca ce este prea frumos ca sa fie adevãrat e
Noi romanii sântem așa inculti si ignoranti in elementare catalogand totul simplu;E bun frate,e tare,e misto,e cum trebuie,e bine;ca devenim
automat si fãrã echivoc victimele Xado-Maso and other co's.
Este interesant ca si dupã ce ți-o furi tot mai insisti...probabil
Mandrie+ prostie= trufie.

O mostra de luciditate:( este in englezã pt ca nu cred in traducerile Google si pt a nu-si pierde valoarea)
zoomzoom - there are some products that do as they claim. All have some liability. If they do work, they all cost more than any realized saving can possibly pay for. One item that Terry looked at was Oil Extreme (iirc) and it did produce some fuel economy increases for about 3000 miles. The amount wasn't much ..but measurable ..but the stuff cost $25+ some ridiculous S&H charge making it a very expensive foolish move to spend $30+ to save $8 worth of fuel (if it was that much at the time). It was a chlorinated paraffin.

There's nothing new under the sun. You can do lots of stuff ..pinch of this ..flip over backwards and spit nickles ...tweak there ..bump there..power in your magic potions and powders ..and even if they succeed ..the yield is about enough to buy you a cup of coffee. None of them add up to ever paying their way ..and none of them can be incorporated into a 100k/8 year emissions certification ...or can't be produced and available so that a consumer can readily service it ...or this or that ..

..or it's just plain bee-ssss and looking to make money the neo-mercantile way ....get some investors to put up the cost for promoting a $3 ingredient with an effective ad campaign ..offer them 300% ROI ...dump your product on them ...and hit the road to your resort island. They then have to recover their money from the market and will hope to snag even less savvy "distributors" to dump the stuff in the lap of and get while the getting is good ..etc..etc. There's a whole gang of this type of scam artist (some rather famous or rather infamous) that are wealthy in that caliber of thieves. It's like a religion. They sell "faith". The rest comes from the "believer" who's invested himself in the church. Meanwhile the pastor is driving around in a BIG CAR and telling you how great the experience is that you're living under his guidance.
  • sinndy

  • Mesaje scrise: 9
  • Locatie: Bucuresti
  • Masina: Vectra 1992 C20NE
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 07 Dec 2009

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Nu fac vreo reclama la produsul Xado,revitalizant ptr motor,dar in 2010 am achizitionat 3 tuburi de xado ptr motor,am schimbat uleiul,am introdus cele 3 tuburi dupa specificatiile de utilizare,si pot sa spun ca la 250000 de km de viata al motorului nu consuma un gram de ulei.Specific ca motorul inainte de a folosi acest produs Xado avea un consum de ulei de 0,5l la 1000km.Pe una din came aveam o spartura ce putea fi vizibila doar cu o lupa,dupa folosirea acestui produs,mai precis dupa parcurgerea a 5000km am verificat aceea spartura cu o scobitoare si am fost surprins ca a fost acoperita cu un strat ca de sticla.Nu am intampinat astuparea oricarui orificiu de ungere din motor,din contra am avut o functionare mai buna,mai silentioasa al motorului.Am un Opel Vectra 2000 injectie din 1992 si pot sa spun ca acest produs Xado a facut minuni cu acest motor.La pornirea la rece nu scoate nici un pic de fum,chiar un vecin a spus ca la varsta ei are o pornire impecabila,si zero fum pe teava la rece.Va recomand pentru cei cu motoare in varsta de peste 150000 km folositi cu incredere acest produs.Sunt o persoana simpla ca orice om,si nu promovez vre-un produs,ci vreau sa arat ca pentru oameni simpli este eficient.
  • b40pby

  • Mesaje scrise: 14
  • Locatie: Bucuresti
  • Masina: Vectra 2001 Y22DTR
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 06 Nov 2012

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Eu am vazut (daca se poate spune vazut... mai mult auzit) o mica diferenta pe masina unui fost coleg de serviciu; un peugeot 406, care avea un zgomot enervant la cutia de viteze... ca un vajait (probabil din uzura pinioanelor o fi aparut oarece joc intre ele si bazaia la angrenare. Dupa ce a schimbat uleiul din cutie si l-a aditivat cu un tubulet dintr-asta (si tre' sa recunosc ca initial m-a busit rasul cand l-am vazut si am auzit cat a costat) a disparut zgomotul cutiei... Acum o fi fost de la el sau de la uleiul nou n-am de unde sa stiu, dar pret de vreun an si jumate cat am mai lucrat impreuna nu am mai auzit zgomotul ala!
  • cangri

  • Mesaje scrise: 5,405
  • Locatie: Bucuresti
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  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 24 Sep 2010

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cate tuburi trebuie sa bag sa castig macar vreo 20 de caluti?
  • b_67_dec

  • Mesaje scrise: 64
  • Locatie: Bucuresti
  • Masina: Astra 2000 y20dth
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 14 Oct 2006

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