- flavius1611
- OP
- 1,037 mesaje
- din 12 Jun 2006
- Astra 2015
- Teleorman
- Mesaje scrise: 1,037
- Locatie: Teleorman
- Masina: Astra 2015
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 12 Jun 2006
- Mesaj Privat
si cum de la 1 intram si noi in vestita uniune tre sa ne conformam dreaq cu normele lor 😭
Ultima modificare făcută de flavius1611 la Lun 18 Dec, 2006 2:44 pm, modificat de 3 ori în total
- octav13
- ****
- 2,057 mesaje
- din 17 Nov 2006
- Vectra 2003 y 22 dtr
- Teleorman
- Mesaje scrise: 2,057
- Locatie: Teleorman
- Masina: Vectra 2003 y 22 dtr
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 17 Nov 2006
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- gyurimagyar
- *
- 34 mesaje
- din 01 Dec 2006
- Astra 2000 Y20DTI
- Harghita
- Mesaje scrise: 34
- Locatie: Harghita
- Masina: Astra 2000 Y20DTI
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 01 Dec 2006
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- Florin M
- **
- 390 mesaje
- din 10 Dec 2006
- Brasov
Florin M
- Mesaje scrise: 390
- Locatie: Brasov
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- Cont inregistrat: 10 Dec 2006
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- alex_arhire
- ***
- 988 mesaje
- din 10 Sep 2006
- Astra 2001 Z20LET
- Bucuresti
- Mesaje scrise: 988
- Locatie: Bucuresti
- Masina: Astra 2001 Z20LET
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 10 Sep 2006
- Mesaj Privat
fratilor suntem in tara tuturor posibilitatilor 😂
Perfect de acord cu tine. Cine a zis ca America e tara tuturor posibilitatilor, s`a inselat amarnic.
Totusi, nu cred ca o sa`l interzica din moment ce legislatia noastra tb. sa se alinieze cu cea europeana. Ar fi chiar culmea, mai ales dupa ce atatia soferi au intrat in "legalitate" cu detectoarele.
- OctavianM
- **
- 304 mesaje
- din 06 Sep 2006
- Astra 2002 Z16XE
- Bucuresti
- Mesaje scrise: 304
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- Masina: Astra 2002 Z16XE
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 06 Sep 2006
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- Corsafuhrer
- ***
- 868 mesaje
- din 26 Mai 2006
- Corsa 2003 Y17DT
- Bucuresti
- Mesaje scrise: 868
- Locatie: Bucuresti
- Masina: Corsa 2003 Y17DT
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 26 Mai 2006
- Mesaj Privat
- florin_bv
- **
- 155 mesaje
- din 05 Jun 2006
- Vectra 1997 x17dt
- brasov
- Mesaje scrise: 155
- Locatie: brasov
- Masina: Vectra 1997 x17dt
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 05 Jun 2006
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chiar e doar un zvon - nemti se pare ca nu mai accepta de anul viitor foto radar in instanta (cica nu sunt 100% exacte) ar trebuii scoase si la noi 😊 si in codu nou scrie ca daca nu au certificat metrologic la ei nu treb sa semnezi amenda ca nu e valabila
- sorin666
- *****
- 3,885 mesaje
- din 12 Mai 2004
- outside Manell's Land
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- chihuahua
- **
- 159 mesaje
- din 06 Jan 2007
- Vectra 2001 Y20DTH
- Brasov
- Mesaje scrise: 159
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- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 06 Jan 2007
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- orinoco
- **
- 251 mesaje
- din 30 Oct 2006
- Corsa 2004 Z13DT
- Mesaje scrise: 251
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- Masina: Corsa 2004 Z13DT
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 30 Oct 2006
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nu scrie in cod ca trebuie sa aiba la ei...ci ca aparatul trebuie sa aiba cerificare metrologica....care se prezinta in instanta daca se ajunge akolo
Nu mai credeti orice legenda urbana vehiculata pe forum 😊
Agentul trebuie:
- sa se prexzinre
- sa spuna pentru ce va opreste
- sa completeze CORECT procesul verbal ..
Asta e obligat...restul sunt povesti...uitati-va pe site-iruile de legilatie ...ude sunt prezentate legile si normele de aplicare...nu tot felul de interpretari ale unora mai priceputi sau mai putin priceputi. 😈
Vedeti si site-ul politiei romane http://www.igpr.ro/prima_pagina/index.aspx
Procesul verbal il puteti semna la "luat la cunostiinta" ( nu e nici un pericol...nu inseamna ca sunteti de acord cu el...ci doar ca ati luat la cunostiinta....) si sa mentionati, la rubrica speciala, ca aveti obiectii.
Cind aveti obiectii ...va puteti adresa in instanta. 😉
Daca procesul verbal nu a fost corect completat ( toate rubricile relevante) si/sau nu sunt dovezi suficiente ...puteti cistiga in instanta....
- sorin666
- *****
- 3,885 mesaje
- din 12 Mai 2004
- outside Manell's Land
- Mesaje scrise: 3,885
- Locatie: outside Manell's Land
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- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 12 Mai 2004
- Mesaj Privat
- Corsafuhrer
- ***
- 868 mesaje
- din 26 Mai 2006
- Corsa 2003 Y17DT
- Bucuresti
- Mesaje scrise: 868
- Locatie: Bucuresti
- Masina: Corsa 2003 Y17DT
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 26 Mai 2006
- Mesaj Privat
- orinoco
- **
- 251 mesaje
- din 30 Oct 2006
- Corsa 2004 Z13DT
- Mesaje scrise: 251
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- Masina: Corsa 2004 Z13DT
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 30 Oct 2006
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a inceput sa se prezinte din ce in ce mai des 😊
- Corsafuhrer
- ***
- 868 mesaje
- din 26 Mai 2006
- Corsa 2003 Y17DT
- Bucuresti
- Mesaje scrise: 868
- Locatie: Bucuresti
- Masina: Corsa 2003 Y17DT
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 26 Mai 2006
- Mesaj Privat
- orinoco
- **
- 251 mesaje
- din 30 Oct 2006
- Corsa 2004 Z13DT
- Mesaje scrise: 251
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- Masina: Corsa 2004 Z13DT
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 30 Oct 2006
- Mesaj Privat
Instant-on NU ESTE INTERZIS.....sunt radare care au standar...din fabricatie...modulasta de functionare
- flavius1611
- OP
- 1,037 mesaje
- din 12 Jun 2006
- Astra 2015
- Teleorman
- Mesaje scrise: 1,037
- Locatie: Teleorman
- Masina: Astra 2015
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 12 Jun 2006
- Mesaj Privat
- orinoco
- **
- 251 mesaje
- din 30 Oct 2006
- Corsa 2004 Z13DT
- Mesaje scrise: 251
- Locatie:
- Masina: Corsa 2004 Z13DT
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 30 Oct 2006
- Mesaj Privat
am sa caut pe net unde am gasit...
Dar arata-mi tu un link legislativ unde e intrzis instant-on...ce nu e interzis ...e permis 😊
uite discutii si pe alt forum pe aceesi tem
sau de pe net ..."gen stiinta pentru toti : 😊
Types Of Police Radar
All traffic radar operates on the same principles we've outlined previously. However, there are different kinds of radars, just like there are different size flashlight batteries. Each has a particular use:
Stationary radar is the archetypical "radar gun" that everyone talks about although mobile radars can also be used in the stationary mode. Use of these radars is popular with motorcycle police, where two-piece radars are more convenient. Hand-held radars are also used to detect how fast a pitcher is throwing a baseball. However, due to the health problems associated with microwave radiation, some states (such as Connecticut) have outlawed some types of radar to protect the health of the officers operating them. This is very similar to the x-ray technician at your hospital. The few x-rays you get that day won't hurt you because you only come in once or twice a year, but the x-ray technician uses the device many times a day. That's why they leave the room.
Mobile radar is a more complex radar setup where the officer is able to check the speeds of drivers while his patrol car is moving (or not moving). The theory of operation is just the same as all other radar; a microwave beam bounces off a car and the returning frequency is measured to determine the target's speed. However, this beam has two purposes: to find the speed of the target vehicles, and to find the speed of the patrol car. The strongest reflection is assumed to be the nearby terrain, signs, bridges, etc. and is used to calculate patrol car speed. The second strongest reflection is assumed to be traffic, and an internal calculator compares patrol speed with target speed to produce a final target speed reading, provided there are no errors. The radar unit does not get the patrol car speed from the car's speedometer.
Instant-on radar is not really a kind of radar, but an operating procedure. Most of today's units can be operated in the instant-on mode, either while stationary or moving. It exists only to defeat radar detectors.
The instant-on radar speed trap is just like the normal trap, except that the radar unit isn't transmitting until the operator pushes a button. The system is on and warmed up but it is not transmitting. The operator sits and waits for a target to be in range. When a vehicle appears and the officer zaps it with instant on radar, its speed is recorded and a citation is issued if necessary.
Photo radar is a form of stationary radar hooked up to a computer and a still camera. The radar is transmitting continuously, and the officer sets the computer to a particular trip speed, usually just a few miles per hour over the posted limit. Any motorist exceeding that trip speed will have their front or rear license plate photographed. The picture normally has a time and date stamp on it in addition to the speed it recorded. The film is retrieved at the end of the day and sent to the photo radar rental company for developing. These companies normally provide the renters with the services necessary to find the registered owner's address and mail them the picture along with the citation.
Photo radar is experiencing legal challenges in the United States because most state laws hold the driver accountable, not the registered owner. This is as it should be. In order to make photo radar legal, these laws must be changed. Wisconsin and New Jersey have banned photo radar. Photo radar can be effectively challenged by applying the rulings in MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE, v. Clyde BAXLEY (included with The Tipmra)
Laser is not at all like radar, so calling it "laser radar" is not correct. Laser (or lidar as it's sometimes called, Light Detection And Ranging) uses invisible infrared light sent out in pulses. It does not use radio waves or the Doppler shift principle like radar does. It works based on the time-of-flight of a pulse of laser light. The operator aims at your license plate, as an aiming point nothing more. (some sites tell you to use a non reflective coating on your plates to make the light not reflect. This is pure unadulterated hog wash prorogated by the truly uninformed) The computer inside the laser gun measures the time between sent and reflected pulses. It sends out over 400 pulses per second, and an average of those pulses is computed and displayed as speed. Since time is constant and distance is known (laser guns also calculate distance, something police radar can't do), the only variable is your speed. 95 % of jurisdictions in Canada and the USA have not taken Judicial notice that Laser is acceptable for evidence in a speeding conviction. However the nice cops and courts don't tell you this as they are taking your money and convicting you. ADMISSIBILITY OF MOTOR VEHICLE SPEED READINGS PRODUCED BY the LTI MARKSMAN 20-20 LASER SPEED DETECTION SYSTEM.( in the tipmra ) will make the court, and officer Parker sit up and take notice.
- Corsafuhrer
- ***
- 868 mesaje
- din 26 Mai 2006
- Corsa 2003 Y17DT
- Bucuresti
- Mesaje scrise: 868
- Locatie: Bucuresti
- Masina: Corsa 2003 Y17DT
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 26 Mai 2006
- Mesaj Privat
Citez din Norma:
"3.2.6. Cinemometrul trebuie sã fie prevãzut cu o funcþie de autotestare, care sã poatã pune în evidenþã orice defect sau dereglare funcþionalã, ce pot avea influenþã asupra exactitãþii de mãsurare.
Aceastã funcþie trebuie sã fie activatã automat la fiecare punere în funcþiune a cinemometrului, având ºi posibilitatea de a fi activatã manual de cãtre operator, ori de câte ori se considerã necesar. În cazul depistãrii unor defecte sau dereglãri funcþionale, acestea vor fi semnalate iar funcþionarea cinemometrului va fi blocatã. "
Mai mult, se prevede ca:
" 3.5.1. Înregistrãrile efectuate trebuie sã cuprindã cel puþin urmãtoarele:
- data ºi ora la care a fost efectuatã mãsurarea;
- valoarea vitezei mãsurate;
- sensul de deplasare a autovehiculului;
- faptul cã a fost efectuatã autotestarea (conform 3.2.6.),
- imaginea autovehiculului, din care sã poatã fi pus în evidenþã numãrul de înmatriculare al acestuia."
Si inca o chestiune buna de stiut, in caz de contestatie:
"legislaþiei rutiere dacã nu sunt respectate cerinþele 4.1. ... 4.3. din prezenta normã, precum ºi în urmãtoarele cazuri:
- dacã mãsurãrile au fost efectuate în condiþii de ceaþã, ploaie, ninsoare sau furtunã;
- dacã cinemometrul este destinat numai utilizãrii în regim staþionar, iar mãsurãrile au fost efectuate cu cinemometrul în miºcare,
- dacã, în momentul mãsurãrii, în raza de mãsurare a aparatului se deplaseazã simultan mai multe autovehicule, iar autovehiculul vizat nu poate fi pus clar în evidenþã."
- Mesaje scrise: 16
- Locatie: Bucuresti
- Masina: Astra CDTI 120CP
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 20 Feb 2007
- Mesaj Privat
In alte tari unde este interzisa folosirea detectorului veti primi numai atentionari. Nu va faceti griji in legatura cu asta.. Chiar m-am intors din Grecia (de revelion) si am mers fara nici o jena cu detectorul pe bord. Nu m-a amendat nimeni, nu am facut puscarie, chiar daca in grecia si bulgaria este interzisa folosirea lor. Avertisment am primit o singura data cand s-a uitat politistul grec si mi-a spus ca nu e bine sa folosesc asa ceva. 😊) "nu e bine" haha.
Asadar dragi soferi, folositi cu incredere detectorul pentru ca este legal. Mentionez ca cei care iau amenda/raman fara talon sunt abuzati ...