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  • Agape Ioan

  • Mesaje scrise: 63
  • Locatie: Vaslui
  • Masina: Astra 2001 y17DT
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 03 Oct 2010

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Nu le-ai cazut in plasa, cu siguranta nu te vor mai contacta in vreun fel...Vor cauta o alta posibila victima.Important este ca nu le-ai facut jocul:noroc pe tine...ghinion pe ei.
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  • crs_crs

  • Mesaje scrise: 96
  • Locatie: Braila
  • Masina: Vectra 2001 Z 22 SE
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 12 Apr 2011

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😊 in baza lor de date , sunt zeci de mii de " fraeri " care au pus botul . nu se opresc ei tocmai la tine sa te jigneasca gen " frate eu vreau sa te fur si tu ce faci " ... Internetul din pacate este un mediu foarte foarte nesigur , si iti pot fi sustrasi bani foarte usor pana in 150 euro ... chiar cu doar 2 , 3 clickuri . cum ajung banii la respectivul este mai complicat , necesita mai multa grija si gandire .

Ai grija de tine si nu pune botu ... unui roman daca i-au furat astia 30 de euro , l-au distrus , i-au incurcat socotelile pe toata luna .
  • alladyn88

  • Mesaje scrise: 78
  • Locatie: Galati
  • Masina: Vectra 1996 X16XEL
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 15 Oct 2011

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crs_crs a scris:😊 in baza lor de date , sunt zeci de mii de " fraeri " care au pus botul . nu se opresc ei tocmai la tine sa te jigneasca gen " frate eu vreau sa te fur si tu ce faci " ... Internetul din pacate este un mediu foarte foarte nesigur , si iti pot fi sustrasi bani foarte usor pana in 150 euro ... chiar cu doar 2 , 3 clickuri . cum ajung banii la respectivul este mai complicat , necesita mai multa grija si gandire .

Ai grija de tine si nu pune botu ... unui roman daca i-au furat astia 30 de euro , l-au distrus , i-au incurcat socotelile pe toata luna .

Ai dreptate,,azi i-ar mi-a trimis mail si ma ma intrebe cum ma simt 😂 😂 ,si cum ramane u acea tranzactie.Ce panarama
  • jE

  • Mesaje scrise: 8,406
  • Locatie: Brasov
  • Masina: Astra 2005 Z18XE
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 04 Jun 2006

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adica poveste similara cu cea a lui gobelu:
  • alladyn88

  • Mesaje scrise: 78
  • Locatie: Galati
  • Masina: Vectra 1996 X16XEL
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 15 Oct 2011

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ceva de genu 😃 Da-i in masa,nu am eu timp sa imi bat capu cu ei si sa fac misto(daca tine) ca le-as da niste rasounsuri....
  • livcro

  • Mesaje scrise: 4,592
  • Locatie: SIBIU-RM. VALCEA
  • Masina: Grandland X 2018 D20DT
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 22 Jul 2005

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Poate ma lamuriti si pe mine care e smecheria cu site-uri de genul ...primesc oferte de la 3-4 site de genul...
  • cangri

  • Mesaje scrise: 5,405
  • Locatie: Bucuresti
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  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 24 Sep 2010

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"NigerianScam" sau "AfricanScam" sau cum le-o mai zice in 60% din cazuri sunt pe bune.
Oameni care au nevoie sa spele bani.
Si asta e cea mai sigura metoda.
Insa aceasta operatiune se pedepseste cu INCHISOAREA fara drept de apel.
Sit`urile astea de reduceri sunt chiar pe bune.Insa trebuie sa fiti atenti la ce cumparati.
"Ex: Persoana 1 a cumparat 2 vouchere la restaurant sa se duca cu perechea.Ajunsi acolo au fost instiintati ca nu pot folosi voucherul deoarece pe ziua aceea s-au "consumat" locurile acordate pe voucher.Ei facusera rezervare de dinainte"
Si multe chestii de genul.
Nu-i nimic nou sub soare ca preturile sunt puraumflate.
Ca doar nu s-au prostit comerciantii sa iasa in pierdere.
Dar decat sa vand 10 oua cu 1 leu mai bine vand 30 de oua la 70 bani.
Ies cu mult mai in profit daca am vanzare ,chiar daca produsul il vand mai "ieftin"
  • astraopel

  • Mesaje scrise: 275
  • Locatie: Bucuresti
  • Masina: Astra 1992 c16nz
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 04 Mai 2011

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tocmai am primit una noua...e calda cine vrea poate incerca,sint eu un om bun si va dau voua "milioanili"

I am Dr.Vincent Mark, Manager Accounting Audit Department of (Credit Suisse Bank) from: England Branch One Cabot Square, London E14 4QJ .I am writing you about a business proposal that will be of an immense benefit to both of us. In my department, being the assistant manager Greater London Regional Office, I discovered a sum of £16.500, 000, 00 million (Sixteen point five Hundred Thousand Million Pounds Sterling) in an account that belongs to one of our foreign customers Late Business Mogul Mr.Mosies Saba a billionaire, a Jew from Mexico that was a victim of a helicopter crash early last year, killing him and family members. Saba was 47-years-old.Also in the chopper at the time of the crash was his wife Adela Tuachi, their son Avraham (Albert) and his daughter-in-law. The pilot was also killed.

The choice of contacting you is aroused from the geographical nature of where you live, particularly due to the sensitivity of the transaction and the confidentiality herein. Now our bank has been waiting for any of the relatives to come-up for the claim but nobody has done that. I personally have been unsuccessful in locating the relatives, I seek your consent to present you as the next of kin/Will Beneficiary to the deceased so that the proceeds of this account valued at 16.500,000,00 Million Pounds can be paid to you.

This will be disbursed or shared in these percentages, 60% to me and 40% to you. I have secured all necessary legal documents that can be used to back up this claim we are making. All I need is to fill in your names to the documents and legalize it in the court here to prove you as the legitimate beneficiary. All I require now is your honest Co-operation, Confidentiality and Trust to enable us see this transaction through. I guarantee you that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you from any breach of the law.

Please, provide me the following, as we have 7 days to run it through. This is very URGENT PLEASE.

1. Full Name:
2. Your Direct Mobile Number:
3. Your Contact Address:
4. Occupation:
5. Age/Sex:

Having gone through a methodical search, I decided to contact you hoping that you will find this proposal interesting. Please on your confirmation of this message and indicating your interest will furnish you with more information. Endeavor to let me know your decision rather than keep me waiting.

Kindly reply to my private e-mail here,

Thank you as I wait for your favorable reply

L.E. daca nu va decideti sau nu puteti administra o suma asa mare incercati aici:

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You have won the Toyota sweepstakes online contact Contact Mrs Linda
Brown for claims.Thanks

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  • cangri

  • Mesaje scrise: 5,405
  • Locatie: Bucuresti
  • Masina:
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 24 Sep 2010

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Sa ne dai un semn de la parnaie sa venim sa-ti aruncam chifletule peste gard.😉
  • alladyn88

  • Mesaje scrise: 78
  • Locatie: Galati
  • Masina: Vectra 1996 X16XEL
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 15 Oct 2011

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cangri a scris:Sa ne dai un semn de la parnaie sa venim sa-ti aruncam chifletule peste gard.😉

Sau martea la vizite.Parca atunci erau,nu? 😃
  • pirvu_daniel

  • Mesaje scrise: 4,578
  • Locatie: Dolj
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  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 22 Feb 2008

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Ce am mai gasit si eu azi prin Spam. 😃

Good day!

I am Mr Dan Maha director auditing and accounting department" bank of Africa (boa) Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso .I discovered the sum of seven million, two hundred thousand dollars (usd7.2) belonging to a deceased customer of this bank the fund has been lying in a suspense account without anybody coming to put claim over the money since the account owner late, Mr Salla khat from Lebanese who was involved in the December 28th 2006 Benin car crash.

it is therefore, upon this discovery that i decided to take this ultimatum and make this business proposal to you as the fund will be release to you as the next of kin or relation to the deceased for safety and subsequent disbursement since nobody is coming for it and i don't want this money to go into the bank treasury as unclaimed bill the banking rules here stipulates that if such money remained unclaimed after five years, the money will be transferred into the bank treasury as unclaimed fund. The request of foreigner as next of kin in this business is occasioned by the fact that the deceased customer was a foreigner and a Burkina be cannot stand as next of kin to a foreigner.

Therefore, I am soliciting for your assistance to come forward as the next of kin. I have agreed that 40% of this money will be for you as the beneficiary respect of the provision of your account and service rendered, 60% will be for me. Then immediately the money transferred to your account from this bank, I will proceed to your country for the sharing of the fund. Call me through my telephone number: +226 75376152.

Yours faithful,
Mr Dan Maha.

  • Mesaje scrise: 1,472
  • Locatie: Neamt
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  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 15 Jul 2009

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Si una de la mine. Daca vrea cineva 30% din 8.600.000 dolari, luati legatura cu omu'. Eu zic ca e serios. 😃

Dear Partner ,

I am Joseph I. Tan 72year old From United State of American formal Finance Director of J B Trucks Company , My company had business with BP where i made $8.600,000 usd ( Eight Million Six Hundred United state dollars) out of my company knowledge which i legally place in International bank in Malaysia , because of my illness and security in my country i cant direct this fund to my personal account rather i want you to assist me to receive this fund.

The Bank is ready to dispatch it pending on when i present beneficiary; If you can help me in this transaction" i will compensate you with 30% of the total amount and you will also get benefit from the investment" If there is any kind of agreement that you would like us to have , let me know so that i can start working on for i would like this transaction to be concluded as quick as possible.

Thanks and best regards

Joseph I. Tan
TEL: +13477-700-112
FAX: +1888-769-5640
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