- calfianu
- OP
- 525 mesaje
- din 30 Mar 2006
- Astra 2001 Y20DTH
- Brasov
- Mesaje scrise: 525
- Locatie: Brasov
- Masina: Astra 2001 Y20DTH
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 30 Mar 2006
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A mai incercat cineva ?
Due to the pollution control measures of the EC diesel-oil is nearly sulphur free and contains up to 5% of bio-diesel. Sulphur has the property to grease the high pressure injection pump and the injectors. Without sulphur, the reduced greasing property of the new diesel has already shown negativ impacts on the long-term stability of the injectors and the high pressure pump. The pump manufacturers have tried to react by lining the moving parts of the pumps with teflon or other suitable material. However, the long term stability is still not achieved as with the old (sulphor contained) diesel.
The engine-research centre of a well known German car manufacurer has conducted some long term tests of diesel additives to find out whether any one of them will have an impact on the long term reliability of the diesel engine components. This introduction to explain were my information comes from.
The results of this research: any diesel additive of any manufacturer presently on the market is not worth the money!
BUT: 2-stroke oil, which we use in our motor saws, lawn mower or in 2-stroke motor engines has shown to have an extreme positive impact on diesel engines, if such 2-stroke oil is added to the diesel in a homoeophatic dosis of 1:200. In practical terms: 0,300 litre of 2-stroke oil into the 70l diesel tank. The 2-stroke oil will be absorbed by the diesel (emulsion) and grease every moving part of the high pressure pump and the injectors.
Besides this, the 2-stroke oil will keep the diesel engine clean, as it burnes cleaner as the diesel itself.
In other words, the 2-stroke oil has a much lower ash-content as diesel, when burned. This proven fact delays the DPF (diesel particulate (soot) filter) to clogg, and the "burn free" process of the DPF will be much less.
One more information: in Germany we have to present our cars every 2 years to the TUV -Technical Supervision Organisation - who will check, amongs others, the pollution of petrol and diesel engines.
The measured cloud-factor of a diesel engine without use of 2-stroke oil has been 0,95.
The same factor with the use of 2-stroke oil has been 0,47 - reduction of nearly half of the soot particles.
Besides this, the use of 2-stroke oil in the diesel will increase the milage by 3-5%.
I also dug this up from another forum, apologies for plagiarism to the original author.
I did a lot of reasearch on 2 stroke oil in diesel engines.
It seems our american cousins are already wise to the benefits of a drop of 2 stroke oil.
Anyway the science is well proven , it burns more completely than diesel , reduces engine smoke to virtually nothing , cleans the combustion chamber , it appears to lubricate the egr valves to close more evenly.
(I had a lazy egr valve one side but it's not lazy any more)
You can buy 2 stroke oil cheap enough on ebay , from wilkinsons or b+q.
I've used it for a few months now in my RRS and the wifes A4 tdi.
Much quieter when cold ,much better throttle response . no smoke unless I drive like a test pilot when I get a light haze from the pipes instead of the smoke I used to get.The throttle response is thebig difference.
It is more lively and the gearbox doesnt hunt up and down at all.
just 300mL of 2 stroke oil in a full tank really does give you wings.
I've got my dad using it in his Mitsi L200 navvy wagon , same story.
Neighbours ford focus , different motor!
Mates escort diesel van 1.8 , much smoother +quieter.
Any questions ask away , I've had such success I thought it was my duty to report it.
I've done a fair bit of research for bulk buying , I wont post it as it might be construed as commercial posting.
It's such a small percentage of the full tank it can do no damage and dissolves completely.
Imi pare rau pentru limba engleza, pentru cei care nu cunosc limba google traduce acceptabil.
- florinianc
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- din 04 Jun 2010
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- ionutxxl
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- din 04 Apr 2008
- Vectra 2004 y20dth
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- Cont inregistrat: 04 Apr 2008
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- calfianu
- OP
- 525 mesaje
- din 30 Mar 2006
- Astra 2001 Y20DTH
- Brasov
- Mesaje scrise: 525
- Locatie: Brasov
- Masina: Astra 2001 Y20DTH
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 30 Mar 2006
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- mariano
- ***
- 926 mesaje
- din 13 Jun 2008
- Vectra 2001 Y20DTH
- Bucuresti
- Mesaje scrise: 926
- Locatie: Bucuresti
- Masina: Vectra 2001 Y20DTH
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 13 Jun 2008
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Ideea este ca i-am corupt pe toti vecinii mei - si acum toti folosim aditivarea motorinei cu ulei 2T standard JASO FC
Chiar astazi am adugat 120 ml de ulei la cei 35 de litri de motorina pe care i-am bagat de la pompa. Mai aveam ceva motorina in rezervor si de aceea am ales sa pun 120 ml de ulei.
- sorin666
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- din 12 Mai 2004
- outside Manell's Land
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- deleted-18977
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- 2,338 mesaje
- din 28 Mai 2008
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- mariano
- ***
- 926 mesaje
- din 13 Jun 2008
- Vectra 2001 Y20DTH
- Bucuresti
- Mesaje scrise: 926
- Locatie: Bucuresti
- Masina: Vectra 2001 Y20DTH
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 13 Jun 2008
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Am testat asta intr-un recipient transparent si la inceput cand am dat drumul la ulei, pentru cateva secunde am putut sa disting uleiul dar apoi ma uitam ca milogul sa vad diferenta intre ulei si motorina.
200 ml la un plin este perfect. Si eu sunt adeptul aditivilor, sa stii ca un aditiv bun multe lucruri face. Printre altele sa iti tina injectoarele curate, dar si capul pistonului.
Dar pune ulei si chiar o sa te surprinda intr-un mod placut. Accelerarile sunt mai usoare, mai silentioase, motorul se aude mai putin zgomotos la turatii mai mari, nici pic de fum negru la accelerari, etc
In ceea ce priveste aditivii eu sunt de principiul super calitatii - iau ori Win'ss ori Gasite - astea doua le folosesc si pana sa incerc chestia cu uleiul 2T aveam in permanenta aditivul in masina.
In ceea ce priveste uleiul eu folosesc Agip - parerea mea este ca nu este imbuteliat in Romania, deci riscul de contrafacere este minim. Obligatoriu semisintetic!
Acum chiar imi pare rau dupa rulumentul de presiune - trebuia sa ma hotarasc sa il iau ( Victor Soare)
Mergi la benzinarie Agip si te holbezi pe raft - imposibil sa nu il vezi
- deleted-18977
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- 2,338 mesaje
- din 28 Mai 2008
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- Cont inregistrat: 28 Mai 2008
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nu doresc sa fiu tipul de om cu prejudecati ,,vai eu folosesc aditivi si nu as pune niciodata ulei 2t in motorina,,.Nu si de fapt am mai citit si pe alte forumuri auto, [cu masini mai bengoase 😃 ],ca folosesc acest tip de ulei.
offtoipic: rulmentul intr-adevar era ca nou,dar nu mai conteaza.am vazut unul nou pe ebay zilele astea la 40 £ [chiar ma gandeam la tine SI CREDE-MA CA NU MINT]
Daca doresti vorbesc cu englezoiu daca trimite in RO.E nou nout.
p.s chiar maine trec pe langa un agip in drumul meu si voi viziona si poate cumpara 1 l.[in gl nu sunt agip]