Am gasit o lectura interesanta despre "speeding" si cred ca nu ar fi rau sa o citeasca si altii, atat cei foarte porniti impotriva vitezomanilor cat si cei care conduc cu viteza. Studiul este facut in Marea Britanie dar cred ca se potriveste si la noi. Au si ei o multime de drumuri nationale, masini puternice, ambuteiaje, doua maine, doua picioare, doi ochi, s.a.m.d. Citez doar concluzia:
So speed doesn't kill. Well - it does - but in nowhere near the numbers we're told. The police and governments should be spending more time on educating people to drive properly and pay attention - less loss-of-control or inattention accidents would be the result of that. They should spend more time making pedestrians responsible for their own actions instead of blaming drivers. That would reduce the pedestrian culling. They should spend more time and resources banning cellphones and arresting drivers for drunk and drugged driving - all major causes of accidents as supported by dozens of reports. But speeding remains the lowest fruit in the tree and consequently the easiest one to pick, even though it's the single least responsible line item for the cause of accidents.
All interesting reports then. I'm not saying they're gospel, but I am far more prepared to believe this type of study than I am prepared to believe politicians. According to these reports, speed is neither a contributing nor definite factor in the majority of road traffic accidents. Nor will reducing vehicle speeds necessarily lead to any reduction in accident rates.
Thanks to the TRL for an interesting day out, and the TRL's library and publication services for helping me to find and purchase TRL323 and TRL325 reports.