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  • Ro Ro Ma

  • Mesaje scrise: 1
  • Locatie: Anglia
  • Masina: Insignia 2009
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 31 Mar 2017

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Sunt un nou membru al acestui club si as dori o mana de ajutor. Detin un Vauxhall Insignia 2.0 diesel, 160cp, din 2009 cu 36000 mile la bord(57600km). Tin sa precizez ca locuiesc in Marea Britanie, unde nu gasesti un mecanic capabil nici mort. De vreo 2 saptamani masina isi face la fiecare 5-10km regenerari ale DPF-ului, si creste nivelul uleiului in baie(banuiesc ca este motorina, dupa miros). Am testat-o la mecanicul nr.1, concluzie DPF pressure sensor defect...cumparat de la reprezentanta, schimbat(100 de lire toata jucaria)...nici o schimbare. Merg la mecanic nr.2, mare specialist....rezultat testare: 105% infundat DPF+2bujii incandescente defecte+ eroare P2015 swirl flap solenoid valve malfunction(clapeta de acceleratie cred). Concluzia-demontare+curatare profesionala DPF. Zi si facut ...240lire. Am luat masina si constat ce e mai rau decat inainte. Face la fel de des regenerari, mail mult decat asta, iese fum alb din zona turbo-dpf in timpul regenerarilor. Al 3-lea mecanic, roman, mi-a spus ca trebuie sa demonteze tot motorul(pompa inalte, distributie etc...etc) ca sa demonteze admisia si sa curete/schimbe clapetele si nu mai stiu de compoenta electronica....banuieste ca dureaza 1-2 zile si costa inimaginabil de mult:). Masina este parcata si efectiv nu stiu ce sa fac.
  • clau70

  • Mesaje scrise: 3,336
  • Locatie: Bucuresti
  • Masina: Astra 2010 A20DTH
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 11 Apr 2013

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DTC Descriptors

DTC P2015 20: Intake Manifold Runner Control Valve Actuator Internal Performance Malfunction

DTC P2015 21: Intake Manifold Runner Control Valve Actuator Internal Performance Incorrect Period

DTC P2015 22: Intake Manifold Runner Control Valve Actuator Internal Performance Too Short Low-Time

DTC P2015 23: Intake Manifold Runner Control Valve Actuator Internal Performance Too Long Low-Time

DTC P2015 24: Intake Manifold Runner Control Valve Actuator Internal Performance Too Short High-Time

DTC P2015 25: Intake Manifold Runner Control Valve Actuator Internal Performance Too Long High-Time

DTC P2015 26: Intake Manifold Runner Control Valve Actuator Internal Performance Low Frequency

DTC P2015 27: Intake Manifold Runner Control Valve Actuator Internal Performance High Frequency

Circuit/System Description

The position of the swirl flaps is controlled by the engine control module (ECM). The ECM controls the intake manifold runner control solenoid valve to create a swirl in the combustion chamber to get a homogeneous diesel air mixture. The ECM will vary the intake manifold runner control solenoid valve referring to the barometric pressure and the mass air flow. The ECM uses a pulse width modulation on the control circuit to control the intake manifold runner control solenoid valve.

Conditions for Running the DTC

The engine is running.

Conditions for Setting the DTC

The ECM detects a wrong frequency from the intake manifold runner control solenoid valve.

Action Taken When the DTC Sets

DTC P2015 is a Type A DTC.

Conditions for Clearing the DTC

DTC P2015 is a Type A DTC.

Reference Information

Schematic Reference

Engine Controls Schematics

Connector End View Reference

Component Connector End Views

Electrical Information Reference

• Circuit Testing
• Connector Repairs
• Testing for Intermittent Conditions and Poor Connections
• Wiring Repairs

DTC Type Reference

Powertrain Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) Type Definitions

Scan Tool Reference

Control Module References for scan tool information

Circuit/System Verification

Ignition ON, command the Q21 Intake Manifold Runner Control Solenoid Valve ON and OFF with a scan tool. Observe the Intake Manifold Runner Control Valve Feedback Signal parameter.
Operate the vehicle within the Conditions for Running the DTC to verify the DTC does not reset. You may also operate the vehicle within the conditions that you observed from the Freeze Frame/Failure Records data.
Circuit/System Testing

Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at the Q21 Intake Manifold Runner Control Solenoid Valve.
Test for less than 5 Ω between the low reference circuit terminal 2 and ground.
If greater than the specified range, test the low reference circuit for an open/high resistance. If the circuit tests normal, replace the K20 Engine Control Module.

Disconnect the X1 harness connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
Ignition ON, test for less than 0.3 V between the signal circuit at the Q21 Intake Manifold Runner Control Solenoid Valve terminal 5 and ground.
If greater than the specified range, test the signal circuit for a short to Voltage. If the circuit tests normal, replace the K20 Engine Control Module.

Ignition OFF, test for greater than 500 kΩ between the signal circuit terminal 5 and ground.
If less than the specified range, test the signal circuit for a short to ground. If the circuit tests normal, replace the K20 Engine Control Module.

Test for less than 5 Ω between the signal circuit at the Q21 Intake Manifold Runner Control Solenoid Valve terminal 5 and the signal circuit at the K20 Engine Control Module terminal listed below:
• LCD/LBX/LBS Terminal 43 X1
• LBY Terminal 91 X1
If greater than the specified range, test the signal circuit for an open circuit. If the circuit tests normal, replace the K20 Engine Control Module.

Connect the X1 harness connector at the K20 Engine Control Module.
Ignition ON, connect a test lamp between the ignition circuit terminal 6 and ground.
If the test lamp is OFF, test the ignition circuit for a short to ground or an open/high resistance.

Connect a test lamp between the control circuit terminal 1 and the ignition circuit terminal 6.
Command the Intake Manifold Runner 95% to 5% and back with a scan tool. The test lamp intensity should increase or degrease as commanded with the scan tool.
If the test lamp is always full bright, test the control circuit for a short to ground. If the circuit tests normal, replace the K20 Engine Control Module.

If the test lamp is always OFF or dimmed, test the control circuit for a short to voltage or an open/high resistance. If the circuit tests normal, replace the K20 Engine Control Module.

If the test lamp intensity does not vary, replace the K20 Engine Control Module.

If all circuits test normal, replace the Q21 Intake Manifold Runner Control Solenoid Valve.
Repair Instructions

Perform the Diagnostic Repair Verification after completing the diagnostic procedure.

Control Module References for ECM replacement, setup, and programming
  • Luca Andrei

  • Mesaje scrise: 7
  • Locatie: Arges
  • Masina: Insignia 2009 A20DTH
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 30 Apr 2017

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Si eu sunt nou,de curand am anulat DPF,masina este 2009-160 cp.prb este ca scoate putin fum
  • alladin_allibaba

  • Mesaje scrise: 1,457
  • Locatie: Bucuresti
  • Masina: Insignia 2009 A20DTH
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 24 Apr 2007

  • Mesaj Privat
La mine a fost de la galeria de admisie, mai exact motorasul electric ce actioneaza clapetele!
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