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  • marius_ionut.salariu

  • Mesaje scrise: 9
  • Locatie: Constanta
  • Masina: Vectra 2001 Y20DTH
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 04 Aug 2014

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In primul rand salutari la toata lumea ma numesc Marius.
Am achizitionat recent un opel vectra B2(cred) din 2001 luna a 6 a 2.0 DTI ..CDX .
Masina a fost ingrijita are piele crem in interior clima geamuri electrice,oglinzi electrice,scaune fata incalzite,B.C Casetofon fabrica cu gps + magazie 4 cd-uri (am prezentat masina acum urmeaza bubele)
Dupa ceva timp cam o saptamana de la achizitie mi-sa aprins becu de la motor,si in acel moment masina nu mai tragea nici nu se mai accelera dar toate astea se intampla pentru un timp foarte scurt adik se aprinde se stinge etc o perioada face asa depinde de situatie uneori imediat dupa ce o pornesc alteori dupa ce o pornesc dim merg cu ia cam jumate de ora si daca o opresc si pornesc iar incepe sa se aprinda becu cum am explicat mai sus . becul nu ramane mai mult de cateva sec aprins .
SI asta am gasit pe net despre alarma .
What does this mean?
OBD Code P0105refers to
The MAP (Manifold Absolute Pressure) sensor is part of the fuel management system. It reacts to changes in engine manifold pressure. The PCM (Powertrain Control Module) monitors the MAP sensor continually to properly run the engine. Changes in engine load require changes in the amount of fuel injected, and timing of the ignition system, etc. An engine under load has more manifold pressure(or less vacuum) than an engine that is coasting. As the load changes, the MAP sensor voltage signal to the PCM changes accordingly. To check the MAP sensor operation, though, the PCM watches other sensors to verify that the MAP sensor is working properly. For example, the PCM compares the TPS (Throttle Position Sensor) signal to the MAP signal to verify the MAP signal isn't "sticking". If the PCM doesn't see a MAP sensor change immediately follow a change in the throttle pedal sensor, it knows there is a problem with the MAP sensor and sets P0105. Or, if the PCM notices that the TPS indicates the engine is under load, but the MAP signal indicates that the engine is "coasting" it, again, knows there is a problem with the MAP sensor or TPS and sets P0105.
Possible sumptoms of OBD code P0105
Poor running engine Engine runs rich Engine won't idle Engine backfires through tailpipe Engine misfire under load or at idle MIL (Malfunction Indicator Lamp) illumination In some extreme cases there may be no symptoms other than MIL illumination
Possible causes of OBD code P0105
MAP sensor vacuum hose disconnected or plugged Bad MAP sensor Bad TPS Damaged or problematic MAP sensor connector Damaged or problematic TPS connector Damaged wiring Short to reference voltage on signal circuit of MAP sensor Loss of ground to MAP sensor or TPS Open on signal circuit of MAP sensor Bad PCM
Possible Solutions
Using a scanner or code reader, turn the ignition on and engine OFF; what does the MAP sensor voltage read? It should be about 4 Volts for sea level. If you are at a higher altitude, it should decrease about half a volt or so for each 1,000 ft. of altitude (this will vary from model to model) Or if you have a separate MAF (Mass air flow) sensor on your vehicle, they are usually equipped with a Barometric pressure reading. If so, the Baro reading should match the MAP reading (they both measure ambient air pressure). If they're roughly equal, then, check for Freeze Frame data of the MAP sensor (if available). NOTE: Freeze Frame data is the PCM recording a fault when it happens. It captures the readings of the various PIDS (parameter identifiers)available to troubleshoot what happened. It's like a recording of the problem as it happened. At idle a typical MAP sensor Voltage reading should be about a volt, and at WOT (wide open throttle) it should approach 4.5 to 5 Volts. As for the TPS, at idle, the voltage reading is about 1 Volt or less. As the throttle is opened the reading will increase to 4.5 Volts at WOT. Do the two readings make sense? For example, if the TPS reading on Freeze Frame data shows 2.5 Volts (indicating partial throttle) does the MAP sensor indicate a reading that isn't at either extreme? Using the Freeze Frame data (if available) compare the MAP reading to the TPS when the problem occurred. This can help you identify what happened If you have no access to Freeze Frame data then check if the MAP sensor voltage changes when you apply vacuum to it. You can do this by mouth or a vacuum pump. The voltage should increase as you apply vacuum. If the reading doesn't change as you apply vacuum, make sure there are no obstructions in the hose to the sensor. If the hose is clear, the MAP sensor is usually bad, but it doesn't rule out the following from causing the problem: Does the MAP sensor appear to be stuck at less than .5 Volts? Then: NOTE: This code shouldn't set if the MAP is stuck at extremely low voltage, however, I'm adding it in because there's no way to know for certain for which vehicles a low voltage condition may set a P0105. Inspect the wiring harness and MAP sensor connector. Repair any damage Unplug the MAP sensor connector. Also, at the PCM connector, remove the MAP sensor signal wire and check for continuity to the MAP sensor connector. If there is infinite resistance, then repair open in MAP signal circuit. If the signal wire has continuity to the MAP sensor connector, then check for 5 volt reference voltage to the connector and a good ground. If both are present, then re-install all removed wiring and replace the MAP sensor. Does the MAP sensor appear to be stuck at full 4.5 voltage? Then: Inspect the wiring harness for damage. Repair as needed Remove the MAP sensor signal wire from the PCM connector. With a voltmeter measure the voltage with KEY ON ENGINE OFF. Is there 4.5 Volts? If so, unplug the MAP sensor and recheck. If it is still present, then repair short between the signal wire and 5 volt reference wire. If unplugging the MAP sensor causes the voltage to disappear, check that the ground is intact. If it is, then replace the MAP sensor due to internal short.
Si problema a 2 a . Daca vreau sa calc acceleratia la blana ca sa ma exprim asa masina accelereaza dar face cam inainte si inapoi parca zici ca isi pierde pt o mili sec puterea dupa care iar si tot asa cica scoate si fum negru eu nu am obs in oglinda dar mi a spus un prieten care mergea in spatele meu ...
Cine a mai avut problema asta va rog dati un raspuns .
Imi cer scz pt eventualele greseli ortografice si gramatice .

Ultima modificare făcută de marius_ionut.salariu la Mie 03 Sep, 2014 8:11 pm
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  • iulian1971

  • Mesaje scrise: 7,067
  • Locatie: Ilfov
  • Masina: Astra 2008 Z19DTH
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 21 Dec 2006

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Bine ai venit.
Mergi la diagnoza si spune ce erori gasesti.
  • marius_ionut.salariu

  • Mesaje scrise: 9
  • Locatie: Constanta
  • Masina: Vectra 2001 Y20DTH
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 04 Aug 2014

  • Mesaj Privat
Salut pai asta este singura eroare care imi apare P 0105
Si legat de prob cu acceleratia nu imi apar erori si parametri sunt asemanatori cu cei prescrisi si la turbo si la pompa si la injectoare si altele...
  • iulian1971

  • Mesaje scrise: 7,067
  • Locatie: Ilfov
  • Masina: Astra 2008 Z19DTH
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 21 Dec 2006

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P0105 Boost Pressure Sensor Circuit High/Low Input
Inlocuieste de proba, senzorul de presiune de pe admisie.
Verifica si firele din mufa senzorului, uneori se dezizoleaza si face scurt pe motor.
  • marius_ionut.salariu

  • Mesaje scrise: 9
  • Locatie: Constanta
  • Masina: Vectra 2001 Y20DTH
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 04 Aug 2014

  • Mesaj Privat
1.Stie cineva unde se afla exact acest senzor MAP pe admisie la vectra B y20dth daca aveti o poza va rog ajutatima poate trebuie doar sa-l curat din cate am vazut intr-un post asa a rezolvat cineva problema .
2.Daca stie cineva cam care este consumul la y20dth va rog postati aici ca mam invartit pe forum si nam gasit mare lucru .
A mea ia cam 8,5 in oras si cam 7 mixt zic eu acum depinde de situatie asi vrea sa vad niste valori mai recente de la alte pers care au motor la fel sa pot compara si sa vad daca nu cumva am vro problema ca mi se pare cam mare consumul pt diesel Chear daca masina are 1450 de kg in acte .
  • marius_ionut.salariu

  • Mesaje scrise: 9
  • Locatie: Constanta
  • Masina: Vectra 2001 Y20DTH
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 04 Aug 2014

  • Mesaj Privat
1.Salutari fost la reprezentanta pt diagnoza mi au zis ca senzorul de presiune de pe admisie este probabil defect ...
L-am inlocuit cu unul original de pe o vectra dezmebrata .(menzionez ca al meu a mai fost schimbat pentru ca pe el nu apare decat made italy si cam atat cel original ori scrie bosch si e made in germany ori scrie GM ).acum se pare ca nu mai face probleme nu am fost inca la un drum aglomerat adica de mers cu treapta 1 ,2 ,3 ,,,mai mult timp ..dar sper sa fie bine .
2. Am lichidul de la caseta de directie un rosu foarte foarte murdar deabea mai distingi ca e rosu . Ar trebui sa completez sau sa iau doua bidonase sa golesc sa pun unul nou sa iau stanga dreapta de cateva ori ca sa circule lichidul nou si dupa sa il golesc iar si sa pun altul nou ? Va rog raspundeti am un pic mai tare servo cel putin asa imi lasa impresia .
Si inca o intrebare legata de aseta pe partea stanga unde se vad acei dinti de transmisie pe axul casetei ma refer cel ce face stanga dreapta si iese din caseta trebuie pus din cand in cand vasilina ? si de care daca se pune ?
  • DB77AAA

  • Mesaje scrise: 6,675
  • Locatie: Dambovita
  • Masina: Vectra 2005 Z19DTH 200CP
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 19 Jan 2007

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Senzorul de presiune a fost cel mai probabil murdar sau defect.
Ca experienta personala, fatul ca inlocuiesti lichidul de servo nu va aduce ceva benefic concret. Caseta servo la Vectra B pica de obicei intre 200000-300000 km. Tot atunci ii pui si lichid nou.
  • marius_ionut.salariu

  • Mesaje scrise: 9
  • Locatie: Constanta
  • Masina: Vectra 2001 Y20DTH
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 04 Aug 2014

  • Mesaj Privat
Da pai cred ca a fost defect ca de curatat l-am curatat si degeaba fine cat despre caseta pai oricum am obs ca imi pierde deja lichid in cantitati infime pe la semeringul din dreapta am 240000 pe bord deci cred ca e cam adevarat ....
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