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  • Flavius23

  • Mesaje scrise: 1
  • Locatie: Sibiu
  • Masina: Astra 2011
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 18 Feb 2019

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Salutare! Nu a gasit nimeni nici o solutie? Am si eu aceeasi problema din pacate..
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  • ska

  • Mesaje scrise: 847
  • Locatie: Bihor
  • Masina: Astra 2015 A20DTH
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 10 Apr 2008

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Al meu a inceput sa mearga fara pb. De 2 3 saptamani, nu am mai nicio pb. Functioneaza normal.
Oricum o sa rog o verificare la revizia ce urmeaza sapt viitoare probabil.
  • RMoldovan

  • Mesaje scrise: 1
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  • Cont inregistrat: 03 Oct 2022

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Opel Insignia 2011, aceeași problema si la mine. Mi s-a pãrut suspect ca se închide singur la șofer dupã 30 secunde, apoi am gãsit topicul asta si observ ca e o problema des întâlnitã, un caz concret de rezolvare a problemei?
  • ney

  • Mesaje scrise: 1,114
  • Locatie: Prahova
  • Masina: Astra 2014 A14NET
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 24 Aug 2010

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Pentru remedierea problemei de oprire a incalzirii pe scaune aleatoriu ,o data la un minut sau 30 secunde sau merg daca sunt date numai pe prima treapt ,etc,,,,sub scaunul soferului chiar in fata exista un modul care supravegheaza incalzirea lor.
Una din mufe o sa o gasiti incinsa din cauza contactului imperfect
Tot ce gasiti incins trebuie refacut, prin inlocuirea pinilor sau tras fir direct
Eu am refacut ( sau chiar daca imi aduc bine aminte am facut) lipituri care nu exista in modul ,pinii fiind presati pe placa
  • GGabor53

  • Mesaje scrise: 20
  • Locatie: Arad
  • Masina: Astra 2013 Y17DTS
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 14 Sep 2017

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Am aceeasi problema pe partea soferului. Se incalzeste greu si se opreste singur si am cod eroare. Daca pornesc scaunul din test nu apare eroare doar daca pornesc de buton si astept sa se opreasca. Eu am cod B2425 si imi spune ca e rezistenta mare la elemntul de incalzire din sezut. Mai jos trec restul codurilor ce pot fi si cum se verifica.

Circuit/System Description

The driver and front passenger heated seats are controlled by the seat heating control module that is located under the driver seat cushion. When the heated seat is active, the module applies power through a common voltage supply circuit to the seat heater elements. The module controls the seat temperature by providing a pulse width modulation (PWM) ground through the seat heater element control circuit to the heater elements. The module then monitors the current flow through the heating elements and the rate of change of the temperature sensor to verify correct heated seat operation.

Conditions for Running the DTC

• DTC B1325 must not be present.

• Engine must be running.

• The seat heating control module must be powered and the heated seat must be enabled.

Conditions for Setting the DTC

B2425 0D or B2430 0D
By measuring current and voltage output to the seat heating elements every 10 seconds, the seat heating control module calculates that the heating element resistance is above the maximum resistance.

B2425 0B, B2425 0E, B2430 0B, or B2430 0E
By measuring current and voltage output to the seat heating elements every 10 seconds, the seat heating control module calculates that the heating element resistance is below the minimum resistance.

Action Taken When the DTC Sets

The heated seat function for the affected seat will be disabled.

Conditions for Clearing the DTC

• The current DTC clears when the malfunction is no longer present, and the power mode changes to OFF then back to ACC or RUN.

• The history DTC will clear after 40 consecutive fault-free ignition cycles have occurred.

Circuit/System Testing

B2425 0B, B2425 0D, or B2425 0E
1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at the E14A seat back heating element.

Note: Element resistance must be measured twice to ensure that all failure conditions are simulated. First with the seat unoccupied, then with the seat occupied.

2. Test for 0.5-5 Ω between terminal 1 and terminal 2.

⇒ If not within the specified range, replace the E14A seat back heating element.

3. Connect the harness connector at the E14A seat back heating element and disconnect the X2 harness connector at the K29 seat heating control module.

Note: Element resistance must be measured twice to ensure that all failure conditions are simulated. First with the seat unoccupied, then with the seat occupied.

4. Test for 1-7 Ω between control circuit terminal 3 and control circuit terminal 1.

⇒ If less than the specified range, test for a short between the control circuits. If the circuits test normal, replace the E14B seat cushion heating element.

⇒ If greater than the specified range, test the control circuits for an open/high resistance. If the circuits test normal, replace the E14B seat cushion heating element.

5. If all circuits test normal, replace the K29 seat heating control module.

B2430 0B, B2430 0D, or B2430 0E
1. Ignition OFF, disconnect the harness connector at the E14C seat back heating element.

Note: Element resistance must be measured twice to ensure that all failure conditions are simulated. First with the seat unoccupied, then with the seat occupied.

2. Test for 0.5-5 Ω between terminal 1 and terminal 2.

⇒ If not within the specified range, replace the E14C seat back heating element.

3. Connect the harness connector at the E14C seat back heating element and disconnect the X2 harness connector at the K29 seat heating control module.

Note: Element resistance must be measured twice to ensure that all failure conditions are simulated. First with the seat unoccupied, then with the seat occupied.

4. Test for 1-7 Ω between control circuit terminal 5 and control circuit terminal 2.

⇒ If less than the specified range, test for a short between the control circuits. If the circuits test normal, replace the E14D seat cushion heating element.

⇒ If greater than the specified range, test the control circuits for an open/high resistance. If the circuits test normal, replace the E14D seat cushion heating element.

5. If all circuits test normal, replace the K29 seat heating control module.
  • DragoiDaniel

  • Mesaje scrise: 51
  • Locatie: Prahova
  • Masina: Astra 2013 Z17DTE
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 13 Oct 2008

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In majoritatea cazurilor cand porneste, functioneaza cateva secunde, etc necesita inlocuire rezistenta scaun sezut sau spatar.
Nu apare pe testare, se verifica continuitatea rzistentei.
Am aceeasi problema la un astra j de 1.7 din 2013, amele rezistente de la scaunul soferului sunt duse.
La ce pret au prefer sa apas de cateva ori pe buton pana ramane cuplat/functional.

Va salut,
O seara buna.
  • FDyzzy

  • Mesaje scrise: 1
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  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 02 Apr 2023

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Salut ai rezolvat problema ?

ska a scris:De aproximativ o luna, am si eu o problema cu incalzirea la scaunul soferului. Cel al pasagerului functioneaza fara pb. Am scaune sport AGR.fara piele.
Nedumerirea mea cea mai mare este, ca nu s-a stricat de tot, dar nu functioneaza tot timpul.
In aprox 40% din cazuri pornesc incalzirea si in max 5sec se opreste de tot.
In aprox 30% din cazuri pornesc incalzirea si intre 15sec si 30sec se opreste de tot
In aprox 30% din cazuri pronesc incalzirea si functioneaza perfect, incluziv setarea pe trepte, adica il las 2min pe tr3 si dupaia setez tr1 si se simte ca se raceste temperatura in scaun in mod corespunzator.
Duminica de ex, nu a functionat deloc, toata ziua, am avut vreo 3 drumuri cu masina, si am incercat de vreo 10 ori, s-a oprit de fiecare data dupa cateva secunde.
Ieri de ex, am avut mai multe drumuri prin oras, si am pornit-o de vreo 7-10 ori, si a functionat de fiecare data perfect.
Nu stiu ce sa mai inteleg. O fi vre-un contact imperfect? De era rezistenta dusa, cred ca nu mai pornea deloc.
Ceva idei?

  • ney

  • Mesaje scrise: 1,114
  • Locatie: Prahova
  • Masina: Astra 2014 A14NET
  • Status: Offline
  • Cont inregistrat: 24 Aug 2010

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Buna ziua!
In concluzie putem pune o incalzire din carbon tip plasa ( mult mai rezistenta si care poate fi gaurita ,taiata,etc) cu o suprafata care sa se incadreze intre 0,5 si 5ohm pe sezut si intre 1 si 7 pe spatar?
Eu asa am inteles ca ar trebui valorile.
Legata binenteles la firele actuale ,implicit la electronica aferenta existenta pe masina?
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