- Mesaje scrise: 78
- Locatie: Galati
- Masina: Vectra 1996 X16XEL
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 15 Oct 2011
- Mesaj Privat
Care-i faza,eu am primit un mail via Europages,e un site de firme international,eu activasem cu o firma si o postasem acolo,bineinteles si adresa de mail,si am primit acu vreo 2 zile de la un libian cica o oferta de colaborare.I-am raspuns la mail,l-am intrebat ce fel de colaborare si mi-a zis ca ar fi unu din persoanele care a facut parte din garda lui Ghadaffy,ca s-a refugiat in Nigeria pt azil si ca are 8.5m dolari pe care vrea sa ii scoata din tara,facand in asa fel incat sa faca investitie in firma la care am activat eu.I-am raspuns la cerere(mai mult de curiozitate)sa vad ce vrea exact,si mi-a trimis mail-ul urmator:
Thanks for your mail and your acceptance to assist me in this
transaction, about my address i told you that I am at assylum/
refugees camp in Nigeria.
This money is presently with.AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK GROUP,LIBYA.
I have discussed with the Bank manager who is my freind and he knows
my present condition and he has been assisting me all this while.He
told me that the only way the money can be transferd without
any problem or delay coupled my condition where i am presently, is
through bank to bank transfer and he said that they will transfer the
money through the AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK GROUP correspondings bank,
New York, USA.
The bank is hereby requested your full name and address and passport
number, including your full bank account details. All the information
will be used to secure the legal documents backing the money up in
your name as bonafide beneficiary and also to enable their
corresponding bank to cary out the transfer to your country without
any questioning.
As soon as i receive this information, i will send it immediately to
the bank manager to start the process of the transfer, if everything
worked out well, the transfer will take less than "5" working days,the
money will be into your account.
This is my direct telephone number here in the assylum camp
+2347xxxxxxxx .Please do not call me at night , only in the day times
and when you call me use this code (xxxxxxxxxx) because I am been
monitored and i don't want anyone to intercept our conversations.
Immediately you say this code and your name i will immediately move
out side or a confidential place to pick your call and discuss with
you immediately.
I have decided to offer you,20% of the total sum for your kind of
assistance,also i maped out 5% of the total sum set aside for all the
expenses we might incure during the cost of this transfer, both
locally here and internationaly your own side,like your phone calls
and other little expenses.
While the 75% will be for me to start a new life,which you will help
to invest the money in your company or in a very good and profitable
area you know that will be invested and also where i stated to you in
my last mail. Please feel free to call me anytime.
My direct Mobile number: +23470xxxxxx , incase if this network is
bad,kindly keep on trying because this network is not always steady.
Send me your direct mobile phone so that i will call you for more
discussion, especially on the investment part of this money,that is
where am so concerned about but send your full infomation so that i
will send to the bank for them to start legalizing all the documents
that will back up the transfer immediately you receive this mail.
Upon receipt of your favorable response, i will send you a draft of
agreement for the investment partnership for you to sign to secure our
both interest and percentages also i will send you the certificate of
deposit of this fund and my assylum permit document which was issued
to me when the assylum permit was granted to me to stay here in
Thanks for your understanding and already devoted cooperation.
Mr. Tarek Abu-Farook
Ce-i cu asta?Sau smecheria e in datele de identificare,pasaport si adresa+cont bancar?
Stie cineva,vre-un sfat?
Cand ceva este prea frumos sa fie adevarat,atunci asa e,nu-i adevarat,cam asta era un proverb,nu?
Sau faci asta,iti raman acei 20% insa te trezesti cu FBI-ul la usa?Parca asa vazusm o faza la TV,cica spalare de bani,tu pici in plasa,chiar dak iti iei ceva,insa intri ca si complice.Cum e fratilor?
Ultima modificare făcută de alladyn88 la Vin 04 Nov, 2011 11:37 pm, modificat de 2 ori în total
- pirvu_daniel
- ******
- 4,578 mesaje
- din 22 Feb 2008
- Dolj
- Mesaje scrise: 4,578
- Locatie: Dolj
- Masina:
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 22 Feb 2008
- Mesaj Privat
- Mesaje scrise: 78
- Locatie: Galati
- Masina: Vectra 1996 X16XEL
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 15 Oct 2011
- Mesaj Privat
- pirvu_daniel
- ******
- 4,578 mesaje
- din 22 Feb 2008
- Dolj
- Mesaje scrise: 4,578
- Locatie: Dolj
- Masina:
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 22 Feb 2008
- Mesaj Privat
Ultima modificare făcută de pirvu_daniel la Vin 04 Nov, 2011 11:49 pm
astraopel- Suspendat
- 275 mesaje
- din 04 Mai 2011
- Astra 1992 c16nz
- Bucuresti
astraopel- Mesaje scrise: 275
- Locatie: Bucuresti
- Masina: Astra 1992 c16nz
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 04 Mai 2011
- Mesaj Privat
Din limbajul(expresiile)folosit nu par africani,prosteala e veche,prostii's noi.
P.S nu ma refer la tine.
- Blebeanu Lorin
- ****
- 1,076 mesaje
- din 04 Aug 2010
- Astra 2005 Z17DTH
- Constanta
Blebeanu Lorin
- Mesaje scrise: 1,076
- Locatie: Constanta
- Masina: Astra 2005 Z17DTH
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 04 Aug 2010
- Mesaj Privat
- Mesaje scrise: 78
- Locatie: Galati
- Masina: Vectra 1996 X16XEL
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 15 Oct 2011
- Mesaj Privat
Din limbajul(expresiile)folosit nu par africani,prosteala e veche,prostii's noi.
P.S nu ma refer la tine.
Stiu ca e prosteala,insa nu stiam la ce vor sa intepe,la datele de pe pasaport sau la bani,sa ceara mai tarziu.Logic ca e o mare tampenie,si sa zicem ca dak iau prosteala la ceva,aici ma plang prima data,sa n-o ia si altu,fara sa imi fie tarsa,nefiind vb de subiectu asta,zic asa in general.Vrajeala e f veche,isa intradevar se gasesc prosti destui,insa eu asta nu stiam,unde te fraiereste(sau incearca),pana acu nici nu am deschis astfel de mail-uri din Spam,direct Delete.SPER SA FACA ASA TOTI.
- cangri
- *******
- 5,405 mesaje
- din 24 Sep 2010
- Bucuresti
- Mesaje scrise: 5,405
- Locatie: Bucuresti
- Masina:
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 24 Sep 2010
- Mesaj Privat
- Mesaje scrise: 78
- Locatie: Galati
- Masina: Vectra 1996 X16XEL
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 15 Oct 2011
- Mesaj Privat
- deleted-5946
- ****
- 1,737 mesaje
- din 13 Mai 2007
- Mesaje scrise: 1,737
- Locatie:
- Masina:
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 13 Mai 2007
- Mesaj Privat
- S3rG3nt
- ***
- 508 mesaje
- din 05 Apr 2008
- Astra 2002 Z16XE
- Galati
- Mesaje scrise: 508
- Locatie: Galati
- Masina: Astra 2002 Z16XE
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 05 Apr 2008
- Mesaj Privat
- Mesaje scrise: 78
- Locatie: Galati
- Masina: Vectra 1996 X16XEL
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 15 Oct 2011
- Mesaj Privat
- Leparda Petrica
- **
- 130 mesaje
- din 30 Jul 2011
- Astra 2008 Z19dth
- Vaslui
Leparda Petrica
- Mesaje scrise: 130
- Locatie: Vaslui
- Masina: Astra 2008 Z19dth
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 30 Jul 2011
- Mesaj Privat
gabrield- Suspendat
- 2,778 mesaje
- din 09 Sep 2004
- Corsa 1992 C14NZ
gabrield- Mesaje scrise: 2,778
- Locatie:
- Masina: Corsa 1992 C14NZ
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 09 Sep 2004
- Mesaj Privat
Sint mai multe scrisori de acest gen..
Bine ca stiai dinainte ca e scam, si mai bine ca ai intrebat.
Acum, sincer, daca e adevarat si ala chiar are banii ?
- Mesaje scrise: 78
- Locatie: Galati
- Masina: Vectra 1996 X16XEL
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 15 Oct 2011
- Mesaj Privat
Sint mai multe scrisori de acest gen..
Bine ca stiai dinainte ca e scam, si mai bine ca ai intrebat.
Acum, sincer, daca e adevarat si ala chiar are banii ?
Stiam ca e scam,scam-urile astea se folosesc de f mult timp insa nu stiam eu unde vor ei sa te agate,cum am mai spus,intradevar pasapoartele se fura tocmai pt datele de pe ele,si nu sunt pregatit sa vad daca are baii sau nu.Chiar daca i-ar avea,tre sa dai explicatii pt orice leu intrat in firma sau iesit din firma fara factura.Si ce fel de factura sa faci de 8.5 milioane Dolari?Cum explici suma asta?Dar aici e vb deja de alt subiect,adica evaziune fiscala si altele.Sanatate si virtute
- Mesaje scrise: 96
- Locatie: Braila
- Masina: Vectra 2001 Z 22 SE
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 12 Apr 2011
- Mesaj Privat
Care-i faza,eu am primit un mail via Europages,e un site de firme international,eu activasem cu o firma si o postasem acolo,bineinteles si adresa de mail,si am primit acu vreo 2 zile de la un libian cica o oferta de colaborare.I-am raspuns la mail,l-am intrebat ce fel de colaborare si mi-a zis ca ar fi unu din persoanele care a facut parte din garda lui Ghadaffy,ca s-a refugiat in Nigeria pt azil si ca are 8.5m dolari pe care vrea sa ii scoata din tara,facand in asa fel incat sa faca investitie in firma la care am activat eu.I-am raspuns la cerere(mai mult de curiozitate)sa vad ce vrea exact,si mi-a trimis mail-ul urmator:
Thanks for your mail and your acceptance to assist me in this
transaction, about my address i told you that I am at assylum/
refugees camp in Nigeria.
This money is presently with.AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK GROUP,LIBYA.
I have discussed with the Bank manager who is my freind and he knows
my present condition and he has been assisting me all this while.He
told me that the only way the money can be transferd without
any problem or delay coupled my condition where i am presently, is
through bank to bank transfer and he said that they will transfer the
money through the AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK GROUP correspondings bank,
New York, USA.
The bank is hereby requested your full name and address and passport
number, including your full bank account details. All the information
will be used to secure the legal documents backing the money up in
your name as bonafide beneficiary and also to enable their
corresponding bank to cary out the transfer to your country without
any questioning.
As soon as i receive this information, i will send it immediately to
the bank manager to start the process of the transfer, if everything
worked out well, the transfer will take less than "5" working days,the
money will be into your account.
This is my direct telephone number here in the assylum camp
+2347xxxxxxxx .Please do not call me at night , only in the day times
and when you call me use this code (xxxxxxxxxx) because I am been
monitored and i don't want anyone to intercept our conversations.
Immediately you say this code and your name i will immediately move
out side or a confidential place to pick your call and discuss with
you immediately.
I have decided to offer you,20% of the total sum for your kind of
assistance,also i maped out 5% of the total sum set aside for all the
expenses we might incure during the cost of this transfer, both
locally here and internationaly your own side,like your phone calls
and other little expenses.
While the 75% will be for me to start a new life,which you will help
to invest the money in your company or in a very good and profitable
area you know that will be invested and also where i stated to you in
my last mail. Please feel free to call me anytime.
My direct Mobile number: +23470xxxxxx , incase if this network is
bad,kindly keep on trying because this network is not always steady.
Send me your direct mobile phone so that i will call you for more
discussion, especially on the investment part of this money,that is
where am so concerned about but send your full infomation so that i
will send to the bank for them to start legalizing all the documents
that will back up the transfer immediately you receive this mail.
Upon receipt of your favorable response, i will send you a draft of
agreement for the investment partnership for you to sign to secure our
both interest and percentages also i will send you the certificate of
deposit of this fund and my assylum permit document which was issued
to me when the assylum permit was granted to me to stay here in
Thanks for your understanding and already devoted cooperation.
Mr. Tarek Abu-Farook
Ce-i cu asta?Sau smecheria e in datele de identificare,pasaport si adresa+cont bancar?
Stie cineva,vre-un sfat?
Cand ceva este prea frumos sa fie adevarat,atunci asa e,nu-i adevarat,cam asta era un proverb,nu?
Sau faci asta,iti raman acei 20% insa te trezesti cu FBI-ul la usa?Parca asa vazusm o faza la TV,cica spalare de bani,tu pici in plasa,chiar dak iti iei ceva,insa intri ca si complice.Cum e fratilor?
Norocul tau ca ma pasioneaza astfel de chestii , jmekeria consta in faptu ca tu le dai lor datele , astfel , ei te chelesc de bani pe diferite chestii : siteuri de pariuri de exemplu , pierd bani in numele tau in conturile lor . Cand tu te duci sa te plangi la banca , ei iti arata ca toata treaba a fost verificata printr-un act de identitate , si o sa ai ceva de munca pana cand dovedesti ca nu tu ai facut asta . Bineinteles , asta cu pariurile e doar ceva asa .... minor , sunt si altele . Cert e ca toata smecheria sta in date . Nu pune botul , toti am vrea sa ne loveasca norocul peste noapte .
- Mesaje scrise: 78
- Locatie: Galati
- Masina: Vectra 1996 X16XEL
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 15 Oct 2011
- Mesaj Privat
- Mesaje scrise: 96
- Locatie: Braila
- Masina: Vectra 2001 Z 22 SE
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 12 Apr 2011
- Mesaj Privat
- Mesaje scrise: 78
- Locatie: Galati
- Masina: Vectra 1996 X16XEL
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 15 Oct 2011
- Mesaj Privat
Tu gandeste'te ca indiferent cum le dai datele ei le verifica , ei incearca . N-a iesit ,asta este . Tu esti doar o piesa , un rand pe o lista de mii de persoane .
Da,dar is curios,iti trimit oare vre-un mail sa te faca `magar` ca nu le-ai dat datele corecte? 😂 😂 😂
- Vergy
- **
- 132 mesaje
- din 18 Feb 2011
- Astra 2001 Z12XE
- Gorj
- Mesaje scrise: 132
- Locatie: Gorj
- Masina: Astra 2001 Z12XE
- Status: Offline
- Cont inregistrat: 18 Feb 2011
- Mesaj Privat
Noi internautii,navigam printr-un labirint de sarma ghimbata,o simpla greseala si ne-am intepat,ce sa faci,asta este Lumea moderna.